The death of a legend

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It has been weeks since Ivar's brother and father left, Ivar was growing as a King he was good to the people. I look over as our people gathered for the weekly gathering. Ivars hand is resting on my leg as he listens to the farmer told him about seeking more workers.

"And how many orphans do we have Madame Faith," Ivar asks looking towards the old woman that runs the orphanage, I let out a small smile

"I have five boys who are off age my king" The old woman whispered, A bell rang in my ears, my vision becomes distant as I look forward a man walks towards us, he has only one eye, Ivars eyes are on me and then on the man, in the distance I can still hear my people talk but they sound like they are underwater or very far away. 

"Your father is dead Ivar, It is time to avenge him," The man said before disappearing, A scream escapes Ivars lips as he falls to the floor from his throne, Sadness washes over me as Khal runs to his King, I fall to my knees next to him and grab him, he latches on to me like a child needing their mother, my breath is heavy as I command Kai to let the people out, shocked face fall to my vision as they leave, I hold Ivar as he clutches onto me sobbing. 


I look down to Ivar's sleeping form on my lap, his hand clutches my dress as if it would dissipate if he let go, My head shot up as I heard our chamber room door open, Kai leans into the door his brother Khal not far behind him, They look to me and Ivar 

"How is the King," Khal asked his face showing worry 

"Evelyn gave him nightshade to help him calm down," I say running my hand through his hair, Ivar moves in his sleep and awakes with a fright, I look to him as he lifts up his head to look at me 

"Get out" he whispers and the brothers leave, I look at him a sad smile on my face, I can see how he clutches his jaw, I can see the pain and heartbreak in his face, as his electric blue eyes dart over my face,

"I should have gone with him, I could have saved him" I shake my head and pull him towards me his body shakes as he sobs, I don't even know if it's out of anger or sadness.

"A storm is loosed upon the sea, Whose eye is stained with tears. , A wretch Hell-bound and bent on blood, the makings of the fearful's fears." I sing softly to him, Ivar looks up to me, tear dance in his eye's, my heart twitches for him, I have learned to love the cripple the only problem is I do not know if he has learned to love me.

"We have to avenge him, we have to punish the man that killed him, please my love" The words fell from his mouth making me look at him in shock, I grab his jaw and pulls his face up to me

"We will burn down their homes, we will slaughter every last one of them, and this man that killed your father we will make him suffer for the pain that he has caused you, I promise you this Ivar the boneless every one will tremble at the sight of you and the thought of your name, I promise you this on the old gods and the new my love" I whisper to him, Ivar looks at me, something flashes in his eye, his hand rest on mine, he pulls me closer and kisses me, this kiss is different from all the others when shared, this kiss is filled with hunger and hunger that he can not full, he kisses me like I am his life force, like I am all he needs to breath. He pulls back both of us breathless, he lays his head back down on my lap

"Sing me to sleep, my broken queen" I smile at the name he called me, I draw a breath and softly start to sing...


 I sand before my commanders, my heart is heavy as I explain to them what we are about to do

"We will prepare the fleet, the shadow army, and the warriors, we will leave for Kattegat The king's homeland, we will help the king avenge his father, we will do everything for the king" Evelyn follows my movements as I pass her

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