The paints of war

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I look to Kai as he crushes the red pigment into a wooden bowl, I look down to Ivar as he crushes the charcoal this gives us a black pigment

"Why are we doing this," He asks handing me the bowl, I smile to him

"It is the paints of war, its to show our tribes when we enter a war, my King" Khal answers as he removes his shirt revealing his painted torso. 

"Who painted you," I ask looking up to him as I place my finger in the paint. 

"I ask Evelyn to do it for me, I am not a married man like my brother and my king" I nod at him as I run my fingers over Ivar's face, he did not wish to expose his body.

"My queen, are you in blue or black today" I grin seeing Eilish dressed fully 

"You are looking good Eilish" Khal screams at the woman as she runs towards us,

"But not for you Khal, maybe I should follow in our Queens footfalls and take myself a Viking" She states patting him on the back. Khal smiles at her and placed an arm around her shoulders

"Haven't you done that already"  

Before Eilish could say something Bjorn approaches us.

"It is time"  We all nod to him, my eyes stay on Ivar, I ride with Ivar on his chariot, as our army walks behind us, Bjorn and the rest of Ivar's brothers look ready to fight, a massive army stand behind them, I look to Ivar one last time before I jump off and join Eilish. We all look to Ivar and Bjorn waiting for the command to attack. I close my eyes and taking in a breath, breathing in the fresh country air. I can feel the war paint as it dries on my face and body. 'If I die on this day, may the gods lead me into the next life, where I will wait for my army and my king' I say a silent prayer to myself. I open my eyes gripping my blade as I look to Ivar once more. I could practically feel the adrenaline run through my body, as I wait for the command to attack, the minute's tick by, it feels like my body is on fire as the rush of battle runs through me. Bjor screams something and with a nod from Ivar, we run forward, running into battle.  


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The battle is won, the king had been captured, I sit down my body aching from fighting, the dried blood on my skin itches and burns. It is in times of battle that I lose myself the most, where I live up to my name. It is the rage, the adrenaline and later it is the slather that gets to me. Late when the dust settles and the blood flows like a river, you can see the harbringers of death, crows and ravens always come, we believe it is the Morrigan collecting the souls of the dead, others like my Husband believe it is Odin and beings they call Valkarys. I have received warnings from my old gods and my new, but who do I believe both or none. All my life the goddess has been whispering, all my life I have had this gift but many days it is a curse. I look up to the men as they poke at the caged king. A figure appears before me, it is Ragnar 

'You can see me correct' I nod at the sprite 'Today my son's will get their revenge' I nod to him again. I hear a crow in the distance my head snaps up, as I rise I start walking following the sound. It was calling to me, I could hear it whisper my name. As I move deeper into the woods sounds become clear, a woman screaming and weeping. I frown as I walk on, who was this woman. I push myself furder and furder into the woodlands but I am no longer in the woodlands, I am in a castle, once again I hear the woman scream, I follow the sound arriving at a woman screaming and giving birth.

"Please, don't let him see her" The woman screams "Please take her away rise her as your own" I frown moving closer to the woman

"I can not do that, my lady, he is a chieftain he will have me killed" 

"Please, he will kill her, he wanted a son, think of all those he killed before, he will kill me" I frown as the door slam open, horror washes over me as my father enters the room.

"Let me see my son" 

"My chieftain I am sorry but it is a girl" A scream escapes my mother lips as my father plunges a blade into the woman chest, he makes his way to my mother

"Why have you don't this, hmm, all I ask for is a son" 

"If you kill her she will be a walking curse, I have prayed to the goddess to give her daughter strength, if you kill her she will come back stronger and she will slather you where you stand" My mother spits at him before he cuts her throat, I gasp in shock , tears form in my eyes as he walks towards the baby, I wanted to scream for him to stop but no words came out. I horror I have to look on as my father slices the baby's throat, I gasp for air and as I feel around my neck, I pull back my hand reviling blood, I gasp for air as I feel my life slowly drain. 

'Shhh child, it is not your time little babe, there is so much you have to do, youngling, you will be a Queen and many will kiss the land you walk on, shhhh sweet babe, there will come a time, when men will come from the north, you are to marry one of them, a man who like you was born into this world different, now your life will be hard but remember sweet babe stars sine the brightest when there is darkness' 

I gasp for air as I awake in the woods, I breathe in slowly as I touch my neck, I had died as a babe but I have known for a long time that death is my friend. I knew the day the assassin Dillion tried to kill me only to find me awakening and grasping for air like I am doing now. In a daze I wander back to the camp, people are running around panicked, I can hear Ivar scream at someone. I frown as I walk up behind him.

"Stop screaming Ivar"  I whisper placing an had on his shoulder, Ivar spins around looking at me in shock before I could speak he pulled me down onto his lap and pulled me in to kiss me, I pull back and frown at him

"Where have you been Morrigan, you were gone, you missed everything, I was so worried after the blood eagle when Kai told me he could not found you where were you," Ivar asked rubbing my cheek.

"My past" I whisper dryly to him "Promise me Ivar that when we have children even if it is a girl you will not kill her" I look at him my eyes wet with tears

"Why would I kill our child, Morrigan" he frowns at me once more

"Let's go Ivar" I whisper to him getting up 

"Go where"

"Its time Ivar, "      

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