Return to Norway

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The time has come once again for us to leave and set sail for Norway. I sand before a frowning Ivar.

"I want to send half the army back home, lead by Kai, for them to take back the throne and keep it safe for me, Kai will also lead the ones of your army who is staying behind up the river and attack better"   

"But why we need all our forces to attack Lagatha" I let out a sigh 

"I understand that but I need to take back control at home, we are so close Ivar, I can breathe in the air and smells of my home, I did not work this hard for my throne only to have it taken by a man who does not deserve it" I say letting my frustration show

"I understand that, but what if you need them" 

"Then I will call them back, write to Kai and get him to bring the forces back" 


"Ivar you are allowed to say no to me, we must rule together"

"I know that Morrigan, but we have to think about two thrones on in Ireland and one in Kattegat, can we make it less than half of the forces"  

"Very well, I will speak to Kai, and we have to talk to Hvitserk about Thuath," I say taking my leave to find Kai.

I stand in the front of the ship, watching as the forces split, Kai has to go on his own journey now, one that will hopefully reclaim my throne. The journey for me and Ivar was long and hard but it was one we had to face...

The place King Harald called his home was not a pretty one, blood and fragments of whale littered the harbor decks, A huge whale carcass marked the entrance of this place

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The place King Harald called his home was not a pretty one, blood and fragments of whale littered the harbor decks, A huge whale carcass marked the entrance of this place. I did not like the looks of his Queen, Ulfr has grown he stand bigger and stronger and Ardan was designing armor for the wolf, I was training him to fight with me and Ivar. I stand next to Ivar in King Harald's throne room.

"I welcome you and your wife Ivar" Harald states rising, I roll my eyes at the man, he and Ivar go on discussing who will fight for who. Harald ask Ivar about his prisoner

"Will he fight for us"

"If he doesn't we can always crucify him, wouldn't that be fun"

I turn to take my leave 

"Are we boring you?" HIs queen asks, I stop and turn a bit 

"Yes you do, all this talk about the battle but I don't see anyone preparing for a battle," I say taking my leave.

I stand leaning against the whale carcass looking out to this place, I have learned that this place is known for whale trading, one thing about the Vikings they were excellent traders, I hug the fur coat closer to me as the wind picks up over the ...

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I stand leaning against the whale carcass looking out to this place, I have learned that this place is known for whale trading, one thing about the Vikings they were excellent traders, I hug the fur coat closer to me as the wind picks up over the seas. the salty breeze washes over my face. Eilish makes her way to me annoyance on her face as she speaks to Hvitserk and waves him away as she gets close to me, the man laughs at her and smacks her behind, she turns to glare at him. I smile at her as she smiles back at me 

"He can be so annoying sometimes, but I have found out something, "She says, I look at her through my hair that is blowing in my face.

"Do share" She smiles at me 

"Do you know that before the brother come to us they shared a girl" I frown at her 

"All of them"

"Well not Bjorn, but this girl was a slave named Margrett"I let out a small laugh at the name "Anyway she had slept with all the brother, right then she went to that idiot Sigurd, told him that Ivar dick  does not work"

"It works, "I say rolling my eyes 

"Hum, only for you, that's what Hvitserk said but listen, Sigurd went to Hvitserk and Ubbe, even though Ivar told the woman that he would kill her, get this later she married Ubbe and Hvitserk and Ubbe shared her on their wedding night, I nearly lost my breakfast when he told me that, but he said he had outgrown her, I had removed all memory of her, can you believe that hum man" I smile at her 

"I'm surprised this Margrett is still alive" 

"Ivar does not know"

"Hum, maybe he should, I want to have someone keep an eye on this Queen" 

"I'll call Coleen, to came to speak to you"I nod her away as I see the Queen make her way towards me, The Quen smiles at me as Eilish walks away she pats me the arm. 

"Can I ask you something? "She asks, I give her a tight-lipped smile, but I nod "Where is your crown"

"I do not need a crown to show my people who their Queen is, that know who I am, they know who rules, I don't need a shining crown on top my head to prove that" I say getting up and starting to walk away, I roll my eyes as I can hear her following me 

"I think us Queens must stick together"

"Astrid was it"She nods "If one can betray a Queen to become a Queen, what will one not do to their king, please leave me out of it, we will fight together that's all, leave me alone from now on," I say walking back to camp. I let out a sigh as I see Ivar sitting down under one of the tents, he is speaking to Ardan, he and the dwarf laugh as Ulfr plays around in the mud, although he was bigger he was still a pup by heart

"Ulfr, no"I scream at the wolf, who stops to look at me as I approach, Ivar looks up and smiles at me, I walk towards him as he opens his arms allowing me to sit on his lap

"Where have you been?" he asks  

"Around, how was your talk with Harald"

"Boring, I really don't understand how people go crazy over the word king"

"Its because deep down everyone wants the power of a king, but not the responsibility"

"There will be a feast tonight" I roll my eyes at him, Ivar grins and places a kiss on my temple "We will talk more battle plans" I smile at him and nod, Ardan looks at us enjoying his wine, I laugh as I see a very angry Evelyn making her way towards us, Ivar let out a laugh and points towards her causing Ardan to turn around, jump of his chair and try to get away 

"Dwarf, where is it" She screams at him 

"Where is what, sweet Evelyn" 

"The bark of the willow, I know you have it, where is it" 

"In my tent"

"Next time ask, just don't take anything you want out of my tent" She screams taking her to leave. I get up walking towards Eilish and Coleen, the black haired woman looks to me and nods 

"Coleen I want you to keep an eye on this Queen, report anything you find back to me" The woman nod sharply and leaves...

Later at the feast, it is told that we will be attacking in two moons time, I look to Ivar as she holds onto my leg under the table.

"We will be ready," I say looking back to the King and Queen of this land... 

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