The great heathen army

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I look over her sleeping form, she had taken my pain away last night, only to be carried back by Kai, face pale and lips blue. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, but many nights her sleep was not peaceful, many nights she would lay next to me tossing and turning in her sleep, sometimes she would awake to scream, or she would whimper in her sleep about how the dead hunted her. Khal's head pops into the tent, I look up to him as I tighten the leather straps on my braces. Khal smiles at me as a greeting

"The one you call Floki, said the thing you requested of him is done" Khal whispered looking over to the sleeping Queen.

"Help me up "I whisper back, Khal nods stepping forward, pulling me up, as we leave I look back to her, when have I learned to love this woman, was it the day she chooses me or was it the moment I saw her on that shoreline standing before her army.


I jolt awake by someone touching my leg, I snap up, Eilish, Ardan and Kai's eyes are on me. I take in a breath, my head is killing me, I squish my eyes closed, and slowly open them again.

"Where is Ivar?" I ask my voice groggy from sleep, as I look around looking for Ivar,

"He went to meet the boat builder Floki," Ardan says handing me a cup of wine, I frown taking it. I let out a sigh and take a sip of the rich wine, the liquid feels nice on my dry throat, I swallow hard and look to the three again "What have you told him?" Ardan asks his eyes following me as I stand up, I rub my hand over my forehead

"I told him I had a gift, that's all, I would like to get dressed for the day, Kai sends in Lili please" Kai nods and leaves the tent.


The time has come, to pack up camp and get ready to sail once more, Floki and Ardan had worked together to create a chariot for Ivar to fight in. I smile seeing Ivar happy again, so excited for the war that is to come, he could not sleep last night he was too excited. I sigh looking back to the blond Usurper, I nod to her as a goodbye. Lili is my handmaiden and Kai's wife, she was a beautiful woman but I do not believe she loves Kai as he loves her. Ivar makes his way towards me, I kneel and smile down at him. 

"I enjoy seeing you so happy Ivar" I whisper to him placing a kiss on his head, he lets out a small laugh

"It's time for revenge" he whispers back at me, I nod to him 

"Yes it is" I whisper as I rise

"My love, what do you mean when you say death hunts you" I spun around wildly to look at him

"I was born from death Ivar, so death plagues me, I can see the dead sometimes, that is how I knew something was wrong when we arrived at Katagate, I saw your god Odin like I see my gods, Ivar I have a gift but many days it is a curse," I whisper sitting down, Ivar makes his way towards me  "Sometimes when I touch people, images flash in my mind, images about their past or their future, you will see that some of my people do not want to come near me, they fear what I will see, take Lili for instance, she will never allow me to touch her because she fears I will see she holds no love for Kai, a man I trust with my life, but what is love Ivar if it is not shared" 

Ivar sighs and looks to me, he places a hand on my cheek, his rough thumb strokes over my cheek, he places a kiss on my forehead

"Don't take my pain again, sweet love, for it, will kill you, yes love should be shared but not pain, Kai told me but do not be mad at him, he was concerned for you, mo ghaol " I frown at him as my mother tongue sound funny with his accent

"Who taught you that?" I ask smiling at him 

"Khal has been helping me, giving me lessons" I smile at him and places my hands on the  side of his face, I place a kiss on his lips 

"Thank Ivar, but the most import word you should know now is Ionnsaigh, which means attack"I whisper to him and let go of his face and get up. 

  "Does the wolf apologize,

 When it stands on top?

 Does the wolf apologize (Does the wolf apologize)"  

I smile as I hear Elish start to sing next to me, Kai joins in after that

  "Should the lion say his grace,

 When he takes his mark? 

Should the lion say his grace (Should the lion say his grace)"

I turn seeing Ardan sing the part softly. Soon everyone in my army is singing the song, soon the song echoes through the waves of my ships. I can feel Ivar and his brother eyes on me

"It is tradition to sing when we sail," Ardan tells them as he sips on his wine

"Ardan's tradition is to get drunk" Kai screams over the singing sailors, Eilish barks back a laugh

"I will tell them to stop if it is a problem," I say looking to Bjorn, who pulls a face and shakes his head no. 

"You must teach me these songs" Ivar screams at me

"One day when I sing them to our first born, you will learn it with them" I scream back at him.

"What is your tradition, Eilish" I can hear Hvitserk scream at the dark-haired woman, who grinned at him

"My tradition brings bad luck according to your gods" Eilish screams back at him, causing him to turn red, I smile at her as she laughs at him "Don't worry Hvitserk, a warrior is much better than a slave" She screams before turning leaving them all stunned 

"And so is a Queen" I scream, causing Ivar to turn red in the face, I smile down at him and give him a wink.

"He's not even a man" Sigurd scream, I turn to him as everyone got quiet, I walk towards him eyes black with anger

"What did you say," I ask him slowly as I stand before him

"He cannot please a woman," Sigurd says, towering over me, I narrow my eyes at him, before pulling out my blade and resting it at his throat, I can see him swallow hard

"Trust me, he knows" I whisper drawing back my blade and looking to Ivar "The only reason your head is still on your body is because of your brother Ivar, he has lost too much already, I will not take his brother from this world, but Kai will, if you ever say this again, your head will be a gift from me to Ivar, do you understand" I ask my eyes flashing as I look at Sigurd 

  Hey guys here is the song I used, I know it not really the Viking kind of song but the words spoke to me and made me think a lot about Morrigan and her army:

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