Desend into madness

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I sit the pup on my lap and look on as Ivar discusses battle plans with Ardan, Kai, and Hvitserk. The pup is sleeping soundly, Ivar looks to me and grins, I return the smile. Every now and then I would get quiet and think, think back to the child, well what was never a child, I think about Ivars blade that is on my side, the blade I had to keep saving for our first born, what happens if the child is never born. The ones before him I had killed, who would want to carry their fathers' child. What that man did create the monster I am, maybe just maybe Ivar's god was punishing me for my past, for the killing of the tribe, the entire village I slaughtered because they sided with my father and adopted brother. Maybe death is apart of me from now on. 

"Morrigan" Ivars voice pulls me from my trance as I look towards him, his eyes show worry "Eilish is taking to you" I nod and turn my head to the dark haired woman who is frowning at me.

"You wanted to see us all," She says, I nodded and rise to my feet, the pup squirms to be put down, lowering myself, it jumps from my hands and walks ahead of me. I walk to see my army waiting for me just outside the village. They all stand tall as I walk towards them.

"Good morning all, "I say and come to a halt, Ulfr sits down next to me. "I have noticed that some of you have not been training like the others, as you all understand we have never fought like this, this space is small and the up and coming battle will be much worse, "I say starting to walk in front of them, "Now I would-"

"OOOOI" A mans voice screams from the back "WHERE BE THE KING" 

"Why don't you step forward, instead of screaming like a child from the back" I scream back,  waiting, pushing through the crowd is a red-haired man, he was dressed in leather pants and a blade was strapped to his back 

"Aye, you want us to train, with no leader, Kai murdered his brother and his sins have not been paid, I will no longer listen to a skirt wearing floozy, I will listen to the king, from now on" some men behind him cheered at him, commending  his brave 

"The king you say" 


"Aye, young man have you forgotten who I am, "I ask grabbing Eilish spear and pointing it to the mans throat, "You think because I have a king now that makes me a queen" I ask digging into his flesh drawing a little blood, the man looks to me his green eyes showing shock "I am your Queen, I was born from death, I am named after a goddess, all my life I have been raped, beaten and bruised by men, men like you, who believe that a woman's place is to lay on her back and be quite as you plunge you shortened dick   into her, men like you believe a king makes a Queen"I see the man wanting to reach for his blade, I  react quicker turning the spear and plunging it into the hand he was reaching with, with such force he fell backward onto his back "Do you think I got where I am because I married, no, I got where I am through blood, fire, and death. Do not mistake my tears for a weakness, do not mistake my womanhood fro a weakness, you see men fight great, but woman is a greater fighter, remember that" I say pulling the spear from his hands, he lets out a whimper of pain "Now as I was saying, you will all train together from now on, and you will listen to me, are we clear"

"Aye" They all scream, I hand Eilish back her spear 

"Well, let's see what you can do"I scream causing them to scatter. 

I stand close to the fire as the wind blows past me, calling the cold towards me, Ulfr is laying close to the fire, enjoying the warmth

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I stand close to the fire as the wind blows past me, calling the cold towards me, Ulfr is laying close to the fire, enjoying the warmth. The flames remind me of that day, that horrible day...

Flames burn over the grasslands of the village, screams of woman and children can be heard in the distance like a wolfs howl, my hands and amour is bloodstained, I look back to the begging man as he falls to my feet, begging us to leave, begging us to let his people be, that this was not the right, he was right but he had chosen a side and it was not mine, for that they will all burn and be killed...

"Morrigan," A voice asks, something touches my shoulder, I spin around seeing Ivar frowning at me in worry "Are you okay," He asks, well am I, am I. 

"Yes" I whisper my mouth dry, Ivar looks to me and shacks his head no

"Are you sure, because it has come under my attention that you have stabbed three people with a spear today, not to mention, you wandering around like a ghost, Morrigan do you need to rest"

"I'll rest when I'm dead, I don't have time for it now, how do you think I am Ivar, I just lost a child, our child" I say pointing between us, "but I am stronger then this, I will overcome this, right now I need to rule like a ruthless Queen, rule next to me or leave"I spit at him turning to take my leave, leaving a bewildered Ivar. 

I sit on the makeshift throne and watch as Ardan plays the flute, Kai and Eilish are dancing, Ivar and Hvitserk are laughing at the way they are moving their feet, Ivar makes his way towards me, ale in hand 

"Can you dance like that?" He asks, I smile at him and nod 

"Not only dance, but she is also the best at it my king, "Evelyn says just in front of me, she is giving Ulfr some milk from a goat, I smile as the pup drinks

"Come I will teach you,"I say getting up and grabbing Ivars hands, he frowns down to my feet as I kick and jump on them 

"What is this called, " He asks 

"The Riverdance," I say smiling as he once again looks to my feet,  in moments like this I feel free, free from the heartache and pain but later when it returns it hurts more and more every time...


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