Justice and Power

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We sat up camp near the kingdom or whatever they call this place, My commander sit and look at me, seeking answers to questions I could not answer. The western warriors(Thuath) needed a new leader, someone to lead them, my King was grieving the loss of his mother hit him hard, and he still did not understand why I only allowed half of the army to set up camp, allowing the sailors to stay on the boats. This place was strange, I understood nothing here but still, Ivar said how similar our ways is to that of Viking. I shook my head as Ardan and Evelyn are at each other's throats once again, over something

"Enough!" I scream causing everyone to look at me "Stop the fighting, we can't go to war if we are at war ourselves" I state nodding up towards the woman, they call shield maidens who stood watch around the camp.

"We still need a new commander for the Thuath" Ardan stated glaring at Evelyn

"There is no need, if we avenge the King's father, our armies will all become one" Evelyn stated,

"No, there will still be commanders, Ivar and I will still give out commands, you will just fight alongside the northerners, For now, Khal and Kai can command" Kai frowned at me "Their mother was the Chief of the west, her sons will command the Thuath" I say getting up

"Trust no one, with those marks on their shields," I say pointing to the woman again


I walk next to Ivar trough this unknown town, as he tells me stories of his childhood, how he grew up, how the other children treated him. Although this place is unknown many of our ways of doing was the same.

"What are you planning, with handling this new queen," I ask Ivar hooking my arm in his as he walks with his braces and crutches. Ivar looks to me.

"I will handle it, just be ready" he states at me

"Ready for what," I ask, getting no answer. What was this man planning and doing?  


I stand next to Khal and Kai in the place I think this Queen calls her home, her castle. She was making an announcement, one I did not care about I can see how uneasy the men next to me are, Ivar was not with us and our weapons had been taken once again, it would seem these people do not have any trust but I would not either. Eilish looks to me and frowns as the people start to create a path. It is Ivar Crawling towards the Queen. I frown why was he crawling again, I can see the anger radiation from his face. Someone places a stool for him to sit on, Ivar sits on it, I step forward only to have my arms be grabbed by Khal and Kai, I frown at them and step back

"Welcome Ivar," The blond queen says.

"I have come here for justice, everyone knows that you killed my mother for no reason except ambition therefore I demand justice" The one they call Ubbe walks to Ivar and grabs him by the shoulder, "don't touch me coward"Ivar spits at his brother and pulls his hand from his shoulder, I frown as the Ubbe steps back, the Queen steps from her throne, once again I try to be by my kings side but I am pulled back 

"He is not a coward, but perhaps he understands something that you don't" She stated placing a hand on Ivar.

Ï understand everything perfectly, you murdered my mother in cold blood, I want revenge I challenge you to single combat" I step back in shock, all breath has left my body

"I refuse"

"You can't refuse" Ivar shakes his head, what was he thinking 

"I refuse to fight you Ivar Lothbrook, son of Ragnar"

"Why, hmm"

"I don't want to kill you"

Ivar lets out a laugh, scratching his head, "Who says you will kill me?"

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