The promise of land and death

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"I'm with child" The words fall out of my mouth before I fade into unsoundness, falling to the ground as I do so...


"How is this possible" I whisper to myself as a crowd circles around us, as Morrigan lays in the ground, Evelyn moves around her queen, lifting the woman's feet and ripping a part of her dress to place on top of Morrigan's head, Ardan frowns up towards me 

"Would you like us to explain my king" The dwarf smiled as he spoke "Do no question this my king be happy"


I awake with a fright, Evelyn frowns down at me, we are in a castle, I frown down as I sit up, Evelyn following my every move. I let out a breath, my hand falls to my stomach as I look to Evelyn, who nods at me and smiles 

"It is true my queen, you are with child, you carry the heir to your throne" I nod at the woman, tears of joy come to my face

"Where is Ivar," I ask smiling

"He and his brothers are discussing what to do with this lands king" 

I frown rising, once again discussions were made without me, my bare feet fall on the cold marble floor I can hear them echo in my head, I can hear the brothers speak from behind the door, I push open the large wooden door, Heads turn to me as I see a man in a cage.

"What are we discussing," I ask walking towards where Ivar is sitting, he is frowning up towards me as I stand next to him.

"there is nothing left to discuss, I am very happy for you and my brother," Bjorn says as he leaves, his brother follow soon, leaving me and Ivar alone, as guards take away what I assume is the king. Ivar grabs my  hand in his,

"Is it true, are you with child" Ivar whispers placing a hand on my stomach

"Yes, Ivar it is true" I smile down to him as I see joy flash in his eyes, for the first time I saw Ivar smile out of joy and happiness  

"The King has promised us land, for us to make a settlement here, but I don't want to farm here, I want to fight more, I want to raid more, is that so wrong of me" He asks pulling me closer to him, placing his head on my stomach, I place my hands on either side of his head

"There is nothing  wrong with that Ivar" I whisper to him and pull his head up forcing him to look at me, my eyes run over his face "There is nothing wrong with you, when will you see that, when will you see that you are a king, a leader, when will you ever see you are more than a cripple" I say to him "If you want to raid, command your army to do so, stop hiding who you truly are, your brother will just have to just accept it, if not they can leave"   I say to him letting go of his head and stepping out of his grip, I can hear him let out a sigh, with a sigh I sit down

"Ivar heed my words, if you fight, I fight and never bring up the fact that I am with child, this will never stop me from fighting, It will never be my weakness, It will be our strength and it will be our heir, " I say looking at Ivar through slitted eyes, Ivar nods to me

"I fight and you fight, I understand" 

"I fight and you fight, I understand" 

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