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"You look like an idiot!" Hilda laughed, teasing her friend dressed as a reindeer

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"You look like an idiot!" Hilda laughed, teasing her friend dressed as a reindeer. Silver snickered along with her.

"Laugh it up you guys!" Gladion exclaimed, his face as red as Silver's hair.

"Oh we will" Silver snickered.

Gladion crossed his arms, "What are you even wearing, Silver? You look like a walking plant"

Silver looked down at his outfit, which Lyra had forced him to wear. He looked like mistletoe on legs, but he looked better than Gladion.

"You two are just jealous because I'm the hot one" Hilda said.

The boys snickered, "Sure Hilda" Gladion laughed.

Hilda ignored the laughter and spun around, her red and white dress ruffling around her, "Whatever, assholes"

A voice came from Hilda's kitchen, "Language!"

Hilda pouted, "Sorry, honey!" She yelled back to the voice.

"Whipped" Silver coughed.

"Don't talk to me about being whipped while you're wearing that" Hilda said, poking Silver's chest.

"Aw I think he looks cute!" Another voice said, emerging from the kitchen and kissing Silver's cheek.

"Lyra..." Silver mumbled, embarrassed by the display of affection.

"Oh my Arceus, I've found Waldo" Hilda muttered.

Lyra was wearing a red and white striped dress, and her pigtails were tied with red and white ribbon.

Lyra laughed at Hilda's comment, "Well Waldo was a huge inspiration for me as child! I've finally become one with my true self" she said.

Two more figures emerged from the kitchen, "Do they even still make those books anymore?" Moon asked.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" N said.

"Look at my beautiful boy!" Hilda chirped, pointing to N, "Look at the pretty lights" she said, referring to the Christmas lights Hilda had weaved into his hair.

"I am a tree...apparently" N said unsurely, opening a bag of chips.

The girls giggled, "So precious..." they sighed.

Gladion scoffed, "If you like that sort of thing..." he huffed.

"Shut up Flower Boy" Silver shot.

"Okay Silvey" Gladion snapped.

"Hush" Moon scolded, pulling Gladion away from Silver. Gladion snaked am arm around Moon's waist and muttered a quiet "Whatever"

N looked out the window to see a blizzard.

"Too bad we are snowed in" He sighed.

"Yeah" Hilda agreed, "Winters can get pretty brutal here.

Gladion shuddered, "It gets colder than this?"

Hilda shrugged, "Yeah but it's the coldest it's been so far this year. Who knows?"

N wrapped his arms around Hilda and rested his head on hers.

"Eh it doesn't bother me too much" Moon said, fixing her ruffled top, "Weathers not much better in Kanto"

"Or in Johto" Lyra added.

"Also it's freezing at the league" Moon groaned, "Spring for a heater, Professor!"

Chuckles bounced off the walls.

"I can make hot chocolate" Hilda suggested.

N's eyes lit up, "Really?! Yes! Do it! Please!"

As Hilda walked to the kitchen, Moon chimed up, "Do you want help?"

Hilda looked to Gladion, "Do I?"

Gladion shook his head violently.

"Nah I'm good"

"Gladion!" Moon scolded.

"You could burn cereal!"

"One time that happened!"

"The fact that it happened at all, Moon"


(A/N. There was gonna be more but see I uh

Fell asleep

And I was gonna put it in the oneshot book, but since it's not finished I didn't

So uh

K thx bai!)

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