Oh a sequel

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"I miss Hugh." Rosa groaned, laying dramatically on her couch.

Cheren and Bianca sat on the floor in front of Rosa's TV set and Hilda was sitting on N's lap in a recliner.

"He'll be back on Friday, chill." Cheren hissed, flipping through the channels.

Rosa glared at the raven-haired boy and pretended to strangle him.

"You think I can't see you in the TV set?"

Rosa groaned and stared at the ceiling.

"Where is Hugh?" N asked, being the last to know.

"Undella town with his family." Rosa answered.

"Don't you have a Pokémon with wings?" Cheren asked dryly, "Wait...don't you have two?" He gasped, smirking.

Rosa glared at Cheren, "Shut up. You're an idiot."

Cheren rolled his eyes.

"I can't just show up there," Rosa explained, "Hughy is with his family."

"Well you've been friends for so many years," Hilda said, "Don't they consider you family?"

"I guess..."

"I'm sure lover boy would love to see you, Rosa," Cheren said muting the tv.

"What do you mean 'lover boy'? I'm not in love with Hugh." Rosa said.

"Well isn't he in love with you?"

Rosa blinked and sat up, "Is he?"

Cheren turned to Rosa, "It wasn't obvious to you?"

Rosa blushed, "No!"

"Really?" Bianca asked, getting up to sit on the now available couch, "You didn't notice?"

"Notice what?" Rosa asked, throwing her hands up, "There was nothing to notice!"

"Oh please!" Hilda scoffed, "Cheren was more subtle when he liked me!"

Rosa, surprised, looked to Cheren, "You used to like Hilda?"

Cheren's face turned red, "That was a long time ago!"

Rosa caught N place a kiss on Hilda's hand, glaring at Cheren all the while.

Cheren saw it as well and rolled his eyes, getting up and sitting next to Bianca.

"So you all think Hughy likes me?" Rosa asked.

"We thought you liked him as well." N said.

"Well I think this is great!" Bianca chirped.

"How so?" Rosa asked.

"Well if you two go out, you already know everything about each other! It'll be like starting on the fifteenth date!"

"Yeah well it'll be like starting on the fifteenth date." Hilda said.

"Also a good point..."

"I'm just saying! Once you're on the fifteenth date you're already in a very relationshippy place. You're committed."

Rosa frowned, "That's true."

"Well think about it," Bianca said, "You and Hugh."

"Me and Hugh, huh?" Rosa whispered.

He always cared about her. Always stood up for her, though, he normally was the one who needed to be stood up for. Kids would tease him a lot, and Rosa would always be there to beat them up. But on their journey, that role kind of flipped. She found herself clinging to Hugh for support more often, and she found her wasn't clinging to her as much as he used to. Admittedly, that had made her a little upset, but she knew if he really needed her he would say so.

He was her first kiss, but she didn't really make much out of it- and neither did he. Just a favor.

Sometimes if they shared a room at the Pokémon Center, he would force her to share a bed with him because he was cold. Rosa would then complain of being hot, but she stayed with Hugh. He made her feel safe.

"I...I don't know..." Rosa admitted, blushing.

Hilda nodded, "You can't rush your feelings. You think about it some more. You've got four days until Hugh comes back."

"But you know the first thing he'll do is come see her." Cheren said.


(A/N. Woah a thing

Here an explanation

Before Hugh and Rosa are dating obviously

But also before Cheren and Bianca are dating

Wow I didn't edit this

K thx bai!)

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