Writings 3&4

154 14 6

"Where's my baby sister?!" A voice exclaimed, bursting into the living room.

Moon flinched and sank into the couch, "Oh Arceus it's begun..." she muttered. Moon's Dad chuckled.

"Hey Sun." Moon said, plastering on a smile.

Sun looked like he hadn't changed much from the picture Moon had shown Gladion. His brown hair was just past his chin, and his eyes were a light brown that matched his skin tone. Moon and her twin brother looked nothing alike, but Gladion could see that they each took after one parent- Moon with her father and Sun with his mother. Though, Gladion noted they had the same bright smile.

Sun grabbed Moon's hands and pulled her off the couch and into a hug, "It's been so long! You've gotten so tall!"

Moon giggled and pushed Sun away, "Don't patronize me, I know I'm short."

"'Patronize,'" Sun laughed, "Wow, that's a big word, Moon!"

"I know big words!"

Sun's eyes finally landed on Gladion, who was leaning back into the couch, arms crossed.

Sun's smile faded, "Who's this?" He asked.

Moon took her seat back next to Gladion, "This is my friend Gladion. He's president of the Aether Foundation."

Gladion rolled his eyes, "You act like that's something to brag about."

"It is! I love bragging about you!"

"Can't you brag about Hau?" Gladion groaned.

"When he becomes Kahuna I will! But for now, I'm going to brag about you," Moon said, poking Gladion's nose, "Mr. President."

With a straight face, Gladion pulled up Moon's hood and pulled the strings, making it close around her face.

Moon playfully shoved Gladion's shoulder as she fixed her hood, "Jerk." she giggled.

Sun crossed his arms, "Okay Glen-"

"-Gladion." The blonde corrected.

"Whatever..." Sun mumbled. He then turned to his sister, "You didn't have any girl friends you could bring?"


"What? Afraid Flower Boy here is gonna try and 'do' me?" Moon asked, chuckling slightly.

"Moon!" Her father and Sun scolded.

Gladion's face displayed about eight shades of red.

Moon crossed her arms, "Trust me, he won't." she said, almost bitterly.

The room was silent. Then Eclipse's fiancé walked into the room, "Oh good! Everyone is here! I was hoping we could all chat and get to know each other better!"

Sun smiled at the woman, "Hey, that'll be great!" He chirped. He turned to Gladion and scowled, "Maybe it'll give me a reason to tolerate this dude."

Moon frowned, "I have plans."

"What?" Gladion asked.

Moon shot him a glare that said "Shut up".

"I've got plans with Lyra. Then we're meeting with Red and Blue for dinner. You're welcome to come Flower Boy, Lyra's bringing her boyfriend. He's a lot like you, I think you'd get along." Moon said, standing up and brushing herself off.

"How would I get along with him?" Gladion asked.

"His dad is the leader of an evil organization" Moon said.

Gladion stood up, "I'm there."

"But-" Eclipse's fiancé protested.

"Nice meeting you." Moon grumbled, walking out the front door with Gladion.


"Gladion? Are you awake?" Moon whispered, kneeling next to the couch her edgelord friend was sleeping on.

Gladion groaned, "I am now."

"Scoot." Moon commanded.

Gladion sighed and sat up to give Moon room on the couch. Moon climbed onto the couch next to her friend, sitting cross crossed.

"What's up, Moon?" Gladion asked, yawning.

Moon fiddled with the bottom of her pajama pants, "I just wanted to talk to you. Is that such a crime?"

Gladion frowned, "At three in the morning?"

Moon shrugged, "Maybe I saw a ghost?"

"You're upset that your dad is getting remarried." Gladion said, getting straight to the point.

Moon grimaced, "Is it that obvious?"

"I've seen shades of hot pink more subtle." Gladion groaned.

Moon blushed a not-so-subtle pink.

"Look, Moon," Gladion said, more sympathetically, "I understand you're upset, but isn't this better? He's happy."

Moon sniffled, rubbing tears from her eyes, "I know! But I just..."

Gladion placed a comforting hand on Moon's shoulder.

"I just didn't expect him to be so happy so soon, ya know?" Moon cried.

Gladion nodded grimly and pulled Moon into a hug. Moon gripped Gladion's shirt, burying her face in his shoulder. The occasional tear fell from her face and stained his sleeve.

"I think you need to try to get along with her." Gladion said, running his hand over Moon's hair, "For his sake."

Moon nodded.

The pair was silent for a long while.

"Gladion?" Moon whispered finally.


"Can you sing me a song?"

Gladion sighed, "Moon-" he protested.

"Please? I really do love your voice. It doesn't have to be long." She begged, "Just the first thing that comes to mind."

Gladion blushed as he thought about his feelings for Moon.

"Is it really gonna make you feel better?" Gladion asked.

"Mhmm." Moon answered, snuggling into Gladion, and seemingly drifting off to sleep.

Gladion sighed in frustration, but he knew he couldn't say no. Not to her.

"Wise men say..." He sang, "Only fools rush in...but I can't help falling in love with you..."

Moon sighed in content and drifted off to sleep.

"But I can't help falling in love with you..."


Remember this writing?


Me neither tbh this was just kinda sitting in my drafts so here

Anyway when Gladion is singing at the end, I imagined it being similar to the Book of Life version of "Can't help falling in love"

So uh yeah

K thx bai!)

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