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(Do any of you remember back in the day when I made that writing where Hugh and Rosa broke up? Well I'm expanding on it. This writing takes place after N and Hilda go to see Hugh, but before Rosa and Hugh make up. Sooo just take it. Also I didn't edit this so WOW)

"N and I picked you up ice cream." Hilda said, handing her sad friend a pint of the frozen dessert.

Rosa sniffled and accepted the treat, "Thanks..."

"It's real and everything!" Hilda joked, hoping to get a smile from her friend, "N wanted to get the weird vegan stuff, but I wouldn't let him. This case is terminal."

"Thanks..." Rosa muttered taking the spoon from an empty ice cream jug and opening the pint her friends bought her.

Hilda took a seat next to her friend on the couch, "What'cha watching?"

"I don't know." Rosa answered, staring at the tv screen.

Rosa sat in her living room in pajamas she'd been wearing for days. She was surrounded by empty ice cream containers and various candy wrappers. She didn't even care enough to put her hair up- it hung from her head, tangled and unmanaged.

Hilda glanced around the room, "Lots of ice cream..."

"Where's N?" Rosa asked, ignoring Hilda's comment.

"Oh...he went to pick up stuff to make dinner."

Rosa sighed, "How'd you get so lucky?"

Hilda raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"You have the perfect relationship! How?"

"My relationship is far from perfect"

"Yeah right. I don't believe that for a second. You two have the cutest love story! It was forbidden love!"

"Yeah...But it was forbidden love."


Hilda started at her feet, "Rosa...N and I fell in love, but we weren't allowed to be together."

"That's what makes it romantic though!"

"That's what makes it horrible!" Hilda exclaimed, "Our story is cute on the surface, but it was so horrible!"

Rosa blinked, "Horrible? How?"

Hilda sighed, "It wasn't so much that we were different that made it bad...but we were fighting each other. We couldn't be with each other. I couldn't join Team Plasma because I knew people and Pokémon needed each other. N couldn't leave Team Plasma...it's all he ever knew...they were his family.

"It destroyed me...not being able to be with him. Watching Ghetsis tear him apart and having to stand back and watch it happen? That was horrible. The emotional toll it took on us...not being able to express our feelings...I can only imagine how hard it was for N."

"For N?" Rosa asked.

Hilda nodded, "N had trouble recognizing certain emotions...Ghetsis twisted him that way. He couldn't recognize romantic love, because he had never seen it before."

Rosa sighed, "Wow."

"And," Hilda continued, "We were separated for two years. When N left..." she shook her head, "I knew I had to look for him. For my sanity. When we saw each other again...it was like walking on thin ice. All the time.

"At first being together was great! We could finally show affection openly, without fear of it being wrong." Hilda smiled, but it faded, "But that went away really soon. N had to learn how to love, and I had to teach him, when I didn't even really know myself. We fought a lot. N was so damaged from his upbringing and I was broken by him leaving me behind."

Rosa listened quietly.

"I feared that would get to us, but I remembered how I much I loved him, and that always worked. We would make up and everything would be okay. Eventually we started fighting less. We still do fight, though. Hell, we fought in the store over that ice cream." Hilda chuckled, pointing to the now empty pint of ice cream Rosa held.

"But fighting is normal. The important thing is that you realize and respect each other's views. Because if you can't respect each other," Hilda shrugged, "Then what's the point?"

Rosa hugged her knees to her chest, "Wow...Can I speak at yours and N's wedding?" She asked.

Hilda rolled her eyes, "Sure."

Rosa gave a small smile, "You see a future with him, huh?"

Hilda grinned, "I can't see one without him."

Rosa's smile turned into a frown, "I saw one with Hugh...but I guess I was wrong."

"I don't think you were wrong." Hilda said, "N and I went to see him today, and he said some alarming things. I think Hugh may have some demons. You might wanna talk to him about it. Not just as his girlfriend, but as his friend."

Rosa sighed, "I don't know..."

Hilda pat her friend's shoulder, "Think about it. Even if it doesn't save your relationship, it'll definitely save your friendship."

Hilda got up and walked towards Rosa's front door, but stopped at the door handle, "By the way...don't tell N I told you any of this. He's very private about our relationship."

"Okay." Rosa promised.

Hilda closed the door behind her.

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