50 things wow get ready

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1. Arceus and Sylveon sitting at one of those long tables where people have board meetings and being all professional like, "What shall we f**k up next?"

2. Anthea and Concordia sometimes talk at the same time and it's not just small stuff it's like coherent sentences

3. Ash and Dawn being bffs

4. Cilan and Trip subtly fighting over Iris and they just say passive aggressive things to each other but Iris doesn't notice

5. Ash getting sad every time he sees a Staryu, Starmie, or Psyduck because they remind him of Misty

6. N gets a little sinful when he's absolutely wasted

7. N actually can't hold alcohol for more than an hour

8. Hilda once jokingly told N she'd break up with him if he cut his hair and now he won't even get it trimmed

9. Hilda can't sing to save her life, but N loves the sound of her voice even if she's trash at singing

10. Hilda can't help but smile when N smiles because she loves him so much

11. Moon makes Gladion sing to her

12. Gladion acts like he hates it when Moon makes him sing to her, but he actually loves it

13. Lyra stealing Silver's jacket and smacking him with the sleeves

14. Silver pulling Lyra's hat down over her face whenever he's losing an argument

15. Lyra finding herself humming "Criminal" by Brittney Spears (Brittney Spearow???) during her journey

16. Hau getting his Grandfather's robe after he dies

17. Moon hiding in Hau's robe while he's still in it

18. Everyone thinking Moon and Hau are dating but they're just weirdly close

19. Rosa making Hugh dress up as a Qwilfish on Halloween one year

20. Lillie having a crush on Moon during their journey and it killing her when Moon talks about Gladion

21. Lillie and Gladion having petty little fights over Moon

22. Hau having a crush on Lillie and it killing him when she talks about Moon

23. Gladion not even thinking of Moon until their fight at Mount Lanakila

24. Dawn doing her whole "cheerleader" thing for Paul whenever he battles at gyms and such

25. May almost getting into fights with many of Drew fangirls

26. After each journey, Ash gives each hat to each girl he travels with because he's "not gonna be needing it."

27. Misty keeps Ash's hat in a safe place in her room, May gives it to Max, Dawn has it somewhere in her closet, Iris lost it, and Serena carries it around

28. Ash carries around Brock's, Misty's, Cilan's, and Clemont's gym badges

29. Ash has a drawing of Pikachu hanging up in his room that Tracey drew

30. Ash carries around pictures of each travel group with him

31. Gary trying to pull the moves on Misty

32. Misty rejecting the moves

33. Paul and Drew being bros

34. One day Ash is laying at home in bed after his Kalos journey and all of a sudden being like, "Wait...did Serena like me?!"

35. Traveling with Serena was weird for Ash because he wasn't used to girls not yelling at him, hitting him, calling him a little kid, etc

36. Red not actually being mute, but just preferring not to talk and only talks to Blue or his Pokémon

37. Blue insisting that he's not gay whilst simultaneously wondering what it would be like to date Red

38. Red wondering why the hell he has a crush on Blue and being completely shocked when he finds out Blue feels the same way

39. Silver being angry when Gold steals his gloves and Gold being angry when Silver steals his hat

40. Cheren having a crush on Hilda and it crushing him when Hilda falls for N

41. Bianca having a crush on Cheren and it crushing her when Cheren tells her he likes Hilda

42. Hilda constantly trying to get Cheren and Bianca together

43. Even though he's completely in love with her, Hugh listens to Rosa talk about guys

44. Rosa copying Hugh's homework

45. When Cheren and Bianca finally get together, Hilda throws a party to be completely extra

46. When N leaves, Hilda doesn't leave her house for a month. When she finally does leave the house, she leaves Unova

47. Rosa insisting to Hugh that their song is "Teenage Dream"

48. Ghetsis showing up to N's wedding uninvited and Hilda getting worked up about it and threatening to fight Ghetsis and N just sighs and is like "This is my life now."

49. Rosa dragging her friends to all her movies

50. May speaking at Hilbert and Brendan's wedding

Wow that was a lot I'm sorry

No I'm not

Anyways testing was ew

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