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"Alola is really pretty!" Garnet gasped, staring at the sunset.

The children's parents all went out for dinner, leaving their kids to themselves. They all "strongly suggested" the kids make nice, so Lacey brought them to one of the beaches, that she knew of, on MeleMele.

Lacey shrugged, hiding under a beach umbrella, "I suppose."

"You suppose?! It's lovely!" Garnet gasped, dramatically falling back into the sand.

"You spent your whole life in Sinnoh and Kalos, and you think Alola is 'lovely'?" Amber asked, putting air quotes around the word "lovely".

Garnet frowned, "It's better than drab old Johto!"

"I think I'd rather be in Johto..." Juniper mumbled, putting her hair up into a ponytail. She made sure to keep her bangs in front of her eye, making Illusion scowl.

Illusion struggled to put his hair up, "Ugh I should've chopped all my hair off when I had the chance..."

"Oh please, you love your hair."

Illusion smiled, successfully getting his hair to stay in the ponytail holder, "You're right."

Amber looked over to where her partner Furret was playing with Illusion's Zorua, Juniper's Purrloin, Lacey's Growlithe, and Garnet's Pachirisu. She smiled to herself.

"So you two can really talk to Pokémon?" Lacey asked quietly.

Illusion smirked, "Well anyone can talk to Pokémon, love." He said, "But we understand them differently. It's like they're just speaking another language."

"Huh?" Garnet wondered.

Juniper piped in, "It's like Pokémon is our second language. We don't speak it, but we understand it plenty well."

Lacey's eyes lit up, "That's fascinating!" She sighed.

Illusion shrugged, "I suppose..." he said, mimicking Lacey's earlier word choice.

Lacey blushed. Illusion flashed her a smile, knowing the effect he had on her. Though, he'd had that effect on dozens of other women before.

Juniper punched her brother in the gut.

"Rude." Illusion groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Remember what Mom said..." Juniper warned her brother.

Illusion rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, I can't help it!" He whined, "I can't control myself around pretty girls." He flirted, winking at Lacey.

Lacey's face turned as red as the sunset. Juniper gagged. Garnet scoffed.

"What's the matter, Princess?" Illusion asked, turning to Garnet, "Jealous?"

Garnet laughed, "Ha! As if!"

Illusion smirked and rolled his eyes, "Ah well you'll come around."

Amber shook her head, "And this is why I'm gay."

"I'm sure that's not the only reason why." Garnet sighed.

Illusion titled his head, "Gay, huh? Let me ask you something."


"Are there any hot girls in Johto?"

"No! Ugh it's so annoying!" Amber complained, crossing her arms with a huff.

Illusion turned to his sister, "Strike Johto off our 'places to visit' list."

Juniper glared at her brother, "You're a Pignite!"

"Strong and lovable?" Illusion asked innocently.

Juniper scoffed and smacked Illusion's shoulder.

"You two are quite interesting..." Lacey commented softly. She looked to Amber and Garnet, "So are you two." She sighed, "I wish I had a sibling."

Lacey hugged her arms, "Mother and Father always said they were too busy to take care of another child."

"Consider yourself lucky..." Amber muttered.

Illusion nodded his head towards Lacey's Growlithe, "Well you do have one in a way...You and Growlithe grew up together, no?"

Lacey nodded, "Yes..."

"Then he's kinda like your brother," Illusion said, "In a way."

Lacey nodded slowly, letting her gaze drift to her Pokémon, who was wrestling with Illusion's Zorua, "I suppose you're correct."

Illusion smiled, "Hey here's an idea," He said, "How about you and I have a battle?"

Lacey tore her gaze from Growlithe to look at Illusion, "Oh no...I don't like battles."

Illusion shrugged, "I understand. Though, it doesn't have to be serious." He assured, getting up and offering Lacey his hand, "I would like to hear the voice of your Pokémon."

Lacey thought about it. After a few seconds, she looked into Illusion's eyes and nodded. She took his hand and he pulled her up.

Juniper and the other two girls stood up as well, though Amber looked like someone had just gut-punched her, "I wanna battle!" She cried.

"We'll get to you." Illusion promised. He suddenly made a sharp whistle sound and Zorua came running with no hesitation.

Lacey realized she was still holding Illusion's hand and swiped it away from him.

The rest of the Pokémon came running to their respective trainers. Garnet's pink Pachirisu settled in her trainer's arms, Amber's Furret laud lazily at her partner's feet, Purrloin climbed up Juniper's body and sat on her head, Zorua found her way onto Illusion's shoulders, and the yellow Growlithe sat obediently at Lacey's feet.

Illusion shoved his hands in his pockets, "Ready?" He asked.

Lacey squared her shoulders and nodded sharply. If her parents could battle with no fear, so could she! It would make them so happy to hear that she attempted a battle!

Illusion and Zorua displayed the same smirk, "Let's battle, then."

(A/N. Ooo a battle fun

You'll see it in the next chapter

Also this is very Illusion heavy I'm sorry I just love him

When this is all over I have another idea all about him

So uh

K thx bai!)

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