Oh a writing? (That wasn't the one I mentioned because why would it be?)

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Why don't you just get lost?

Moon awoke with a gasp. She sat up sharply, taking in her surroundings- Lillie's room. She was sleeping over, laying in a Snorlax beanbag chair. Moon touched her cheek to find it wet with tears. She rubbed her tears away, sniffling. She looked to her best friend, who was still sleeping soundly in her bed.

Moon took a deep breath and pulled herself up from the beanbag chair. She wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and quietly exited Lillie's bedroom.

The floor was cold to Moon's feet as she walked through the halls, going to the kitchen. She stopped when she saw the hallway leading to Gladion's room.

Get lost

Moon shook the dream away and continued her route to the kitchen. She got herself a glass of water and took a sip.

She found herself thinking back to her dream, and just the thought made tears stream down her face. She placed a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't let out a loud sob. She didn't want to wake anyone.

"Are you crying?" A voice asked. Moon knew that voice.

Shocked, embarrassed, and upset, Moon turned her head away. She didn't want to see him.

The voice sighed, "I'm guessing that's a 'Yes'?"

Moon refused to turn her head.

"Everything okay?"

Moon didn't respond.

"Okay. I guess I'll just grab the ice cream out of the freezer and eat it myself. Oh well..."

Moon heard the freezer open and close, and heard brief shuffling. She finally turned and saw Gladion holding a pint of ice cream in one hand and two spoons in the other, offering one to Moon.

He flashed her a smile that made her heart ache.

With a sigh, Moon took one of the spoons from Gladion. He led Moon into the dining room and sat down with her at the table.

The blond took the lid off of the ice cream and stabbed his spoon in it, "So...Why is it that you're crying in my kitchen?"

Moon avoided eye contact and shrugged.

"Moon? Did something happen?"

Moon shook her head. She had no reason to be upset with Gladion- it was only a dream.

"I-I just...I just had a bad dream...that's all..." Moon muttered.

"Oh...Wanna talk about it?" Gladion asked, pushing the ice cream towards Moon.

Moon shook her head and pushed the ice cream back towards Gladion.

The edgelord frowned, "Are you sure? I'm willing to listen..."

Moon finally looked at Gladion, taking in his worried expression.

She sighed, "W-Well...You were there..."

Gladion's face turned red, "I was?"

Moon nodded, "Uh huh."

Gladion cleared his throat, "So uh...this was a bad dream?"

The champion nodded and fiddled with the blanket around her.

"Why?" Gladion asked.


"Gladion! Why are you acting like this?" Moon cried.

"You honestly think I can associate myself with someone as weak as you?" Gladion hissed, "Someone who can't even hold the champion title?"

"B-But...You said we were friends..."

Gladion laughed, "Me? Friends? With you? That's hilarious! I only tolerated you because you were Champion. Now?" He waved his hands around, "I could care less about what happens to you."

Moon sobbed, "No...You're lying! You said-"

"That I cared? That we were friends? So? I sure fooled you, didn't I?"

Moon felt like her world was falling apart, "Gladion...Please..." She pleaded.

Gladion scowled, "I'm done with you. Why don't you just get lost?"


Tears streamed down Moon's face as she told Gladion about her dream.

"I k-know it's s-stupid," She hiccuped.

"No...it's not stupid," Gladion assured, "But do you really think I don't care about you?"

Moon shrugged, "I don't know..."

"Well I do care!" He said, rather sharply, "Maybe more than I should..." he added quietly.

Moon hugged her arms and blushed at the quiet comment.

Gladion shook away his blush, "We really are friends, Moon! I would never say those things! You..." His blush returned, "You're the only friend I have...I would never...Say that. Not any of it."

Moon wiped her tears, looking away, "I know it's stupid-"

"-Look at me." Gladion commanded.

Moon stared down at her feet.

"Moon, look at me."

The champion risked a glance at the boy. He was staring at her intently, determined to hold her gaze, "I will never ever say those things to you Moon. Know why? Because they're not true. You're my friend, and you always will be."

Gladion took Moon's hand and pressed it to his heart, "I promise."

Moon threw herself into Gladion's arms. The blanket fell from Moon's body and onto the floor. She sobbed into his shoulder, apologizing over and over. Gladion accepted the embrace, assuring Moon she had no reason to apologize.

After what seemed like hours, to Moon anyway, Gladion stood her up and walked her back to Lillie's room.

Before Moon walked inside, Gladion grabbed her wrist, "Wait."

The blond moved Moon's dark bangs and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Sweet dreams..." He whispered, giving his friend a smile.

Moon hid her face in her recovered blanket and slipped back into Lillie's room, careful not to make too much noise.

The next morning, Gladion got an earful from his mother about how leaving ice cream on the dining room table overnight causes it to melt. But he already knew that it only takes a little bit of warmth to melt something ice cold.

(A/N. Wow I've been inactive all day wow

I'd love to say it's because I was writing

But uh

I'd be lying

So uh

K thx bai!)

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