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These may get sinful so warning I guess

1. Hilda wears a black wedding dress and N wears a white suit on their wedding day cause heroes of black and white and sh*t

2. Whenever Dawn trips, Paul is always somehow miraculously there to catch her before she hits the ground

3. Whenever he's on his journey and sees something that reminds him of Misty, Ash gets upset about it all night and he finds it hard to function cause he misses her so much

4. Lyra and Silver fight constantly over stupid things not because they're angry, but because they've been rivals for forever so they just get on each other's nerves and are competitive with one another

5. Moon likes it when Gladion pins her down cause she gets to see both halves of his face even though it's only for a little while

6. Red and Blue go to horrible movies just to sit in the back and make out

7. One day Hugh goes to see Riolu girl and Brycen man without knowing Rosa is the main character. Upon realizing this, he calls Rosa in the middle of the movie yelling at her for not telling him- getting himself kicked out

8. After retiring from being coordinators, May and Drew run a flower shop- best known for their red roses

9. Rosa's Serperior likes to flirt with Hilda's Serperior, but Hilda's Serperior hates Rosa's and finds it annoyingly incompetent

10. All the Pokémon that helped raise N attend his wedding (this one can work for FerrisWheel or Isshu)

11. Hilda and N almost never have sex, but when they do, Hilda normally ends up pregnant

12. Anthea and Concordia aren't allowed to watch their nephew and niece because last time they did, Illusion fell out of a tree and broke his arm

13. Cheren hates using contacts, but he hates wearing his glasses more

14. Whenever Silver finds his gloves have gone missing, he finds Gold putting them on his Typhlosion, giggling like a maniac

15. Silver's Father never approves of his relationship with Lyra/Gold (because of the events of HGSS) but eventually, Silver's mother comes around and accepts Lyra/Gold into the family

16. When they were little, Rosa and Hugh dressed up as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker on Halloween

17. Whenever Clemont doesn't reply to her texts, Serena goes down the the gym and bursts through the doors asking if he's dead. He never is

18. Zoey has a crush on Dawn, but can't say anything because Dawn is happy with Paul

19. Kenny doesn't give a sh*t about Dawn's relationship with Paul and flirts with Dawn anyway

20. Harley is gay

Okay wow look at those headcannons

Even though I'm quite sure the last one is true I mean it has to be come on

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