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"Woah...this place is creepy..." Illusion whispered, running his hands along the walls of the crumbling castle.

His little sister clung to him like the dust to the floor, "Illusion, it's scary in here!"

"Don't be such a little kid!" Ada exclaimed, kicking a rock.

"We really should be careful..." Danny said, grabbing his twin's arm.

Ada rolled her deep red eyes, "C'mon Danny! Don't be such a baby!"

Danny frowned and blew a stray strand of blue hair from his face, "It's not like I'm scared...but this place looks really old."

Raven stuck close to Illusion. She pushed her glasses back up her face, "This place was built to last..." she said, running her hand across a pillar, "Whoever built this clearly thought it was going to stick around."

"Have you read anything about a castle like this, Rae?" Illusion asked.

Raven blushed, "Um...no..." she shook away the heat in her face, "It's not like anything Daddy has in his library."

Suddenly, the group heard sniffling and crying from another room. Danny hid behind his sister, and Raven and Juniper clung to Illusion.

"It sounds like a little kid..." Illusion muttered, walking towards the noise. Juniper and Raven instead began clinging to Ada.

"You idiot!" Ada hissed, "What the hell are you doing?"

Illusion turned and gave Ada a frown, "Checking it out? Duh."

As Illusion walked into the room, the four other children grew silent.

His eyes adjusting to the newfound darkness of the room, Illusion took in his surroundings.

It was clearly a child's room, with scattered toys laying around. There was a basket ball hoop, a train set, and a skateboard ramp. The room was so elaborately decorated, yet it was incredibly haunting.

Illusion found a small child crying in the middle of the room, hugging their knees to their chest.

"Hey..." Illusion said in the most soothing voice he could muster.

The child whipped their head up at him, their deep green eyes piercing Illusion's soul.

"Are you here to help me find her?" They asked.

"Her? Like...your mom?" Illusion asked.

"Are you going to help me find her?" They asked.

"Find who?"

"My her!" The child shouted, standing up.

"Um...Yeah. I'll help you find your...her."

The child smiled and wiped their tears away, "T-Thank you!"

The child ran up and took Illusion's hand. Illusion led the child out of the dark, dusty room and into the main halls, where his friends and sister waited.

"A child?" Danny asked.

"He is going to help me find my her!" The child exclaimed, pointing to Illusion with their free hand.

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