Working on writings, but in the meantime...

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No lol I came up with more ideas ugh why am I trash

I'll probably do most of these tho #2 for sure

1. Gladion and Moon leaving their Silvally alone together in the grassy areas of Aether Paradise while they do business/go sin (whichever). But Moon's Silvally doesn't know what anything is, is excited about everything, and is silly, but Gladion's is very serious and is only comfortable around Gladion. While their trainers are gone they accidentally let loose all the Pokémon in the foundation and have to clean up their mess before Moon and Gladion come back (Shioot that was long)

2. Supernatural beings AU where Gladion, Lillie, and Hugh are vampires, N and Cheren are werewolves, Bianca's a fairy, Rosa's a witch, but Hilda, Moon, and Hau are all human

3. Heaven and Hell AU where Dawn is like Arceus' "right hand man" and Paul is Giratina's but somehow they fall in love (but like Arceus and Giratina aren't Pokémon they're like actual humanoid gods, did that make sense???)

That's it

These are all ideas that could probably be their own book (besides the first one) but I gotta finish Say Anything before I start any other AUs lol I'm def doing 2 for sure tho so yay

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