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"Honey? Have you seen my white shirt?" N asked his fiancé, strolling into the dining room.

Hilda sat at the dining table, sipping a cup of coffee, wearing N's white shirt.

"No..." she lied.

N raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?" He asked, scanning Hilda up and down. She seemed to be only in her underwear and his shirt.


N smiled, "Okay...Tell me if you see it." He chuckled, walking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea.

Hilda took another sip of her coffee, "I love that grasshead."


"Silvey look!" Lyra chirped, waving her arms around so Silver's jacket sleeves flailed about.

Silver chuckled, "That's nice, Pigtails." He said, reading a book.

Lyra frowned and smacked her boyfriend with the sleeves. Silver looked up from his book with a raised eyebrow.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Not paying attention to me." Lyra explained.

Silver pressed a kiss to Lyra's lips and returned to his book, "Happy?"

Lyra rolled her eyes with a giggle, "Actually I was kinda hoping you'd help me take the jacket off..."

Silver slammed his book shut.


After what seemed like hours of searching, Silver gave up looking for his black gloves with a sigh. Defeated, he walked into the kitchen finding his boyfriend reading the newspaper.

"Mornin'" Gold said, flashing Silver a smile.

Silver glared at Gold, "Are those my gloves, Gold?" He asked, pointing to the black gloves Gold somehow acquired.

Gold pointed at the familiar article of clothing Silver was wearing, "Is that my hoodie, Silver?"

The two boys had a staring contest for about a minute before Silver finally said, "Touché"


After a long day at work, Paul opened to door to his room, hoping to get in a short nap before dinner. Instead, he found his girlfriend dressed head to toe in his clothes.

"I can explain!" Dawn exclaimed, blushing.

Paul said nothing and closed the door on Dawn. He would nap on the couch.

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