Oh wow

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(Some of you may recognize this as a one shot, but here I am re writing it to fit the sequel sh*t I just posted. So have fun with my trash writing.)

"Hughy? Are you okay?" Rosa asked, ear pressed against her friend's bedroom door. He had rushed out of class as soon as the final bell rang without waiting for Rosa. They normally walked home together, so she found it odd how quickly he left.

"I'm fine." Hugh said.

"Can I come in?"

"I don't care"

With the 'ok' from Hugh, Rosa opened his door and walked inside his room. She found him laying face down on his bed, face in his pillow.

Rosa layed down on her stomach next to him, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Fine." his muffled voice replied.

"Were those fifth graders picking on you again?" She asked.

Hugh grew deathly silent, answering Rosa's question without even having to speak.

"What have they been picking on you for anyways? What do I have to beat them up for?"

Hugh picked up his head and smiled faintly, "You're the smallest girl in the third grade! You'd get destroyed."

"Who cares? Nobody picks on my best friend and lives say they did it!"

Hugh laughed and Rosa knew that now she'd be able to get Hugh to tell her what she needed to know.

"So what's the matter, Hughy?" She asked.

Hugh shrugged, "They just keep picking on me because I..." he trailed off.


Hugh was silent.


"They make fun of me cause I've never kissed a girl..." he mumbled.

"What?!" Rosa shrieked, "That's stupid! I bet they haven't even kissed any girls, either!"

Hugh shrugged.

Rosa's eyebrows scrunched together, as she was deep in thought. As an idea came to her, her face lit up. She sat up and commanded Hugh to do so as well.

"Hughy, I've got a plan!" The child exclaimed.

Hugh frowned, "Nothing good ever happens when you say that..."

Rosa blushed, "Shut up! You're a liar!"

Hugh rolled his eyes, "What's your plan, Rosa?"

"You can kiss me!"

Hugh blushed, "What?! No way, that's gross!"

Rosa frowned, "Hey!"

"You're my best friend, Rosa!"

"That's why I'm going to do you this favor!" Rosa explained, clearly proud of the plan she had conjured up.

Hugh looked down, "What if they don't believe me when I tell them we..." he cringed, "Kiss?"

"I'll back you up, Hugh! It's what best friends are for!"

Hugh sighed, "Fine."

Hugh shifted his weight awkwardly, "So...What now?"

"You um...kiss me." Rosa said, finally feeling the awkwardness of the situation. She closed her eyes as Hugh leaned in.

"Why are your eyes closed?" Hugh asked. Rosa could feel his breath.

"That's what you're supposed to do!"


"I-I don't know! That's what they do in the movies!"

Then, Rosa felt Hugh's lips touch hers. He quickly pulled away and they opened their eyes.

"That was weird...What's the big deal?" Rosa wondered.

Hugh shrugged, "I-I don't know..."

Rosa's face lit up, "Well now that that's done with, I've got a new plan! Going through your snack cabinet!" She exclaimed, scrambling down from Hugh's bed and out the door.

"Weird..." Hugh muttered, ignoring the new feeling in his stomach and chasing after his friend.

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