Wow writings?

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"Mommy?" Hilda's youngest child called, climbing onto the gray couch next to her mother.

"What is it, dear?" Hilda asked, brushing her Cinccino's fur.

Hilda's son sat at her feet, watching the movie playing on the television.

"Why does Daddy never talk about his parents?" The young girl asked, her green and blue eyes shinning with wonderment.

The teenage boy flinched and Cinccino cried out in pain as Hilda suddenly brushed too hard.

Hilda tried to keep a neutral face to hide her boiling anger, "Remember? Your Aunt Rosa's Zorua raised Daddy until your Aunts Anthea and Concordia found him."

"But Aunts Anthea and Concordia are Daddy's sisters! So he must have a Mommy or Daddy, too, right?"

Hilda nodded, "We don't know his Mother or Father.


"-Shut up, Juniper." Hilda's son hissed.

Hilda glared at her son, "Is that how you talk to your sister?"

"Yeah Illusion!" Juniper exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at her older brother.

Illusion grunted, "No."

Hilda stood up, Cinccino in her arms, "Juniper, we don't talk about your father's parents. They...weren't good people." She explained, exiting the living room.

Illusion took his mother's spot on the couch, "Good going."

Juniper pouted, "I don't understand! Why doesn't Daddy talk about his parents?!"

Illusion rolled his eyes, "You'll find out quickly that asking about Dad's past is a lost cause. Mom won't tell us, Aunt Rosa, Uncle Hugh, Aunt Bianca, Uncle Cheren, and especially Dad won't talk about it."

"What if I ask Aunt Anthea or Aunt Concordia?" Juniper asked.

Illusion shrugged, "The most I've gotten out of them is that they and Dad were raised without a mother."

Juniper frowned, "How come?"

"I told you that's all I knew."

"Why can't you know more?" Juniper huffed, crossing her arms.

"Because they're keeping it a secret..." Illusion muttered, "Maybe someday you and I can look into it."

"Like on our journey?!" Juniper gasped.

Illusion chuckled and ruffled his sister's long brown hair, "Yeah. Maybe on our journey."

(A/N. Lol thanks to Grace_Everdeen for the inspiration. Also

I know I know, poorly written. But also I have ideas for these chillun

So uh

K thx bai!)

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