Sequel thingy (ending one)

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"First one to finish their can wins." Hugh said, handing his friend a can of whipped cream.

Rosa took the cold can in her hands, "And what do they win?" She asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

Hugh rubbed his chin in thought, "Loser buys the winner an ice cream cone?" He suggested.

Rosa nodded with satisfaction, "Alright. Assuming we don't throw up from this."


The two teenagers opened the whipped cream cans.

"Ready? Go!" Hugh exclaimed.

About twenty seconds into the rigorous competition, Hugh found himself choking on whipped cream. He coughed wildly, spitting out the dessert topping. Rosa laughed at his demise, swallowing the whipped cream in her mouth. Frowning, Hugh sprayed Rosa with the sweet substance.

"Hugh!" She cried, shielding herself.

Hugh chuckled and continued to spray Rosa with whipped cream. Retaliating, Rosa began spraying Hugh with whipped cream as well. Before they knew it, it was a full war zone. Whipped cream was all over the counter and walls of Hugh's home. As the cans ran out of the sugary treat that inhabited them, the teenagers looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably. They had whipped cream all over them.

It didn't take Rosa long to start complaining.

"Hughy! It's everywhere!" She cried.

Hugh finally took in his surrounding and frowned, "Oh no my mom's gonna kill me..." he grumbled.

Rosa giggled.

Hugh raised an eyebrow at the bubbly brunette, "What?"

"You have whipped cream on your nose!" She giggled, trotting over to her friend. She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned up to lick the whipped cream off the tip of Hugh's nose.

Rosa smirked at Hugh's blushing face.

"Oh you think that's so funny?" Hugh hissed, still a scarlet color.

"Yeah...I do." Rosa confirmed.

It was Hugh's turn to smirk as he took Rosa's face in his hand. He jerked her face to the side and licked whipped cream from underneath her jawline.

"Is it so funny now?" Hugh whispered, his breath cold on Rosa's neck. She could almost feel the smirk on his face.

Her body warming up, Rosa pushed Hugh away, muttering something about "stupid boys". She walked over to Hugh's sink and began washing the whipped cream from her face and arms-anywhere she could see it.

Arms appeared on both sides on Rosa, gripping the sink counter. Rosa's blush returned, and she shuddered at Hugh's closeness. She wondered what it would be like just to spin around and-

"Why are you so scared?" He asked, snapping Rosa from her thoughts, "You started it."

"You didn't have to finish it." Rosa retorted.

Hugh chuckled, his breath dancing on Rosa's neck, "You know I have to finish things. It's all a part of my rage."

Rosa laughed a little. Hugh took that as a good sign.

He rested his head on Rosa's shoulder, "Please forgive me? You're the only one who tolerates me." He begged, giving Rosa Lillipup eyes.

Rosa chuckled, "Fine, fine...You're forgiven."

Hugh grinned and released his grip from the counter. His arms fell back to his side as he moved next to Rosa to wash himself off.

"So...I believe I won." Rosa said.

Hugh splashed water on his face, "Psh! Yeah right!"

Rosa turned and leaned her back against the counter, gripping it from balance, "No I definitely won. I believe my can was empty before yours."

Hugh flicked water at Rosa's face, "That's only because you're a horrible shot." He chuckled, grabbing a dry rag and drying his face and hands.

"It was still empty before yours..."

Hugh sighed, "Fine. You win. Happy?" He chuckled.

Rosa nodded, "Very."

Hugh stretched his arms, his shirt coming up a bit. Rosa turned her face away, blushing slightly.

"I'll get my jacket and we can go, okay? I really don't wanna deal with," he gestured to the mess, "this right now."

Rosa grabbed Hugh by the wrist, "No I don't want ice cream..."

Hug looked confused at first, but then he groaned, "I'm not going to that candy store across town."

Rosa sighed and shook her head, "No, Hughy..."

"What is it, then?"

Rosa gripped the collar of Hugh's shirt and pulled him closer to her. Rosa pressed her lips against Hugh's, claiming her prize.

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