Unfinished writing

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(A thing that was NOT my idea and was in fact PokeManiac9803 's idea. Sooo yeah. Also this is unfinished because I'm lazy and lost inspiration so sorry)

"C'mon!" Illusion ushered, dragging his parents by their hands. He dragged them down the halls of his school to his classroom.

"Woah kiddo!" Hilda said, "Slow down, we'll get there."

N grinned wildly, "Come on Hilda! Are you not excited?"

"I have two children..." Hilda muttered, sighing.

"Three!" N corrected, using his free hand to point to Hilda's belly. He frowned, "Wait...I am not a child!"

Hilda smirked, "Sure you're not."

Illusion dragged his parents into his classroom. There were dozens of other parents around the room, each with corresponding children.

A set of two girls ran up to Illusion, "Illusion!" They chirped, rushing to hug him. Illusion ripped his tiny hands from his parents' and returned the hugs.

"Thank Arceus he has friends..." N muttered to himself. Hilda was the only one who caught it. She pulled his hat down in front of his face and gave him a mischievous smile. N smiled back and rolled his eyes, fixing his cap.

Two men and a woman chased after their children, greeting Hilda and N. Hilda spoke to the parents of Illusion's friends, and Illusion dragged N over to the corner of the classroom with his friends. He took one of the books from the shelves and shoved it in his father's hands, making him read it. Illusion and his three friends sat at N's feet, listening intently. Soon, N had all the children in the classroom, listening to him read.

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