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"Mommy! Daddy!" Illusion yelled, sitting on the couch in the living room.

N rushed into the living room to his son's side. Hilda followed him a few seconds later, coming from the kitchen.

"What is it now?" Hilda asked, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hilda! Kind words!" N scolded.

Hilda raised an eyebrow, "Don't test me you grasshead. He's been like this all day."

"Mommy, Daddy, how come I don't have a little brother or sister?" The five year old asked, cocking his head like a dog Pokémon.

N blushed madly and Hilda snickered.

"Why? Do you want one?" Hilda asked, smirking at her husband's bright red face.

Illusion nodded.

Hilda shrugged, "Well that's up to your dad..."

N shot a glare at Hilda, clearly uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

Illusion's blue and green eyes lit up, "Please Daddy!"

Smirking, Hilda stood behind N and nuzzled her face in his neck, "Please Daddy..." she murmured.

N stood up, his face an oven, "Go to your room please." He told his son.

Pouting, Illusion got down from the couch and walked to his room. When N heard Illusion's door close, he whipped around towards Hilda.

"You are trouble!" He hissed.

Hilda bat her eyelashes innocently, "What? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

N shook away his blush and stood up. He jumped over the couch to where Hilda was standing.

"What did I tell you about that?" She scolded.

N took his wife's hands, "My Hilda, as much as I would love another child, you hated being pregnant."


"I cannot put you through that again."

"Please!" Hilda begged, "I'll do it again!"

N narrowed his eyes, "Do you actually want another child, or do you just want to do the thing that makes them?"

"Yes." Hilda answered.


"Do you not think we can handle two?" Hilda accused.

"That is not what I am saying." N defended.

"If Hugh and Rosa can do it, we sure as hell can!"

"They had no choice. Danny and Ada are twins."


N pressed his forehead to Hilda's, "When we married, I promised I would do whatever I could to protect you and make you happy. I only have your best interests in mind."

"And having another kid would make me happy..." Hilda said.

N chuckled, "Would it really?"


N sighed with a smile, "Whatever you want, my queen."

(A/N. *Shrugs*


K thx bai)

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