Lol I wrote stuff?

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Moon sat in a big chair on the Melemele local news set, being interviewed by the host.

"So Champion Moon," The host began, "Rumor has it you've been spending a lot of time with the new Kahuna of MeleMele island, Hau."

Moon chuckled, "I guess."

"So is there something going on between you two?" The host asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Moon shook her head, "Other than friendship? No."

The audience "awed" in disappointment.

Moon tugged on her shirt, "This is his shirt though. I stole it from him."


"Well he hasn't worn it in like, five years. So I took it."

"Is that something 'just friends' would do?"

Moon kicked her legs back and forth, "Yeah I do it all the time with my other friends. These are his shorts, too."

"You just steal your friends clothes?"

Moon nodded, "Yup!"

"They're totally dating." The host said to the camera.

Moon began to protest, but they went to commercial.


"I can't believe they all think we're dating..."
Moon grumbled, resting her head on Hau's shoulder.

Hau was giving Moon a piggyback ride back to her house, "I know! It's crazy!"

Lillie raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Is it? Are you two sure you're not dating?"

"Ew." The Kahuna and Champion both said, gagging simultaneously.


"Paaaaaauuuuulllll! I'm tired!" Dawn complained.

Paul sighed in annoyance, "We've been walking for two and a half minutes, Dawn."

"But you made me get up so eaaaarrrllllyyyy. The sun's not even up yet!"

"Well we had to get up before the first light."


Paul turned to look at his sleepy girlfriend, "Don't you want to watch the sunrise with me?"

Dawn blushed, "Oh! Yeah!" She exclaimed, rushing to her boyfriend's side and taking his hand.

"You're the sweetest!" Dawn chirped.

Paul blushed, "Whatever, Twilight."


"Why not?" Paul whispered to Dawn.

"Paul!" Dawn hissed quietly, "We're in a church!"

Paul shrugged, "Live dangerously, Twilight. Unless that don't think you'll be able to handle me."

Dawn blushed profusely, "Paul..." she said in a warning tone.

Paul tsked, "It's not okay here, but it's okay in the contest hall changing rooms?"

Dawn lightly smacked Paul's chest, "Shut up."

Paul shrugged and stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom." He whispered.

Dawn sat alone in the stands for a few seconds, arms crossed.

"Yeah okay." She said, giving in and getting up to follow Paul.


Silver blew a stray strand of hair from his face, "Lyra, get off me." He grunted.

Lyra laid horizontally across Silver preventing him from getting up.

She pouted, "No! You're not leaving!"

"I have work!"

"I don't care!"

"You will when we can't pay rent..." Silver grumbled.

"You're not leaving Silver!" Lyra said. Silver cringed at Lyra's use of his real name, "You always leave so early and don't come back till so late!"


Lyra refused to move. Why should the other police officers get to see her Silvey all day when she didn't even get to fall asleep with him next to her? She woke up with him, sure, but by then, she had to get up for work.

She'd called in sick for today, and she got to spend an extra few hours with Silver, but that wasn't enough. She wanted more.

"It's not fair, Silver!"

Silver sighed, "I know. It sucks. But I can't stay!"

Lyra didn't budge.

"Maybe...Maybe I can see if I can get off early tomorrow. Would that make you happy, Pigtails?" Silver asked.

Lyra thought it over, "Yes." She finally agreed, getting off of Silver.

Silver sat up and wrapped his arms around Lyra, "You know I love you."

"Well of course you do, who doesn't?"


"Hey Silvey?" Lyra said, getting the redhead's attention.

"What?" He asked.

Lyra suddenly took off running, "RACE YOU TO THE POKÉMON CENTER!" She yelled.

Silver took off after her, "CHEATER!!!"


Ash kissed Misty's forehead, "I'll see you when I get back." He promised, getting ready to leave for Kalos.

"You'd better." Misty threatened.

"I love you!" Ash chirped.

"Ew." Misty gagged, "I love you too."

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