"Where were you tonight?" Hilda hissed as her boyfriend stumbled inside her house.
"Hugh and Cheren wanted to hang out..." he explained.
"They don't like you." Hilda said crossing her arms. Hilda glared at her boyfriend and took in his appearance. Then she noticed the smell.
Hilda scrunched up her nose, "They asked you to buy them alcohol, didn't they?" She asked. Though, she already knew the answer.
"No!" N lied.
Hilda raised an eyebrow.
N frowned, "Yeah..."
"What did they make you buy?"
"I do not know!" N yelled, throwing his hands in the air, "It was clear and it tasted bad!"
Hilda rubbed her temples. Drunk N always tended to give her a headache. N wanted Hilda's friends to like him so desperately. She almost couldn't blame him for drinking with them, but N couldn't hold alcohol well.
"Oh N..." Hilda sighed angrily.
N smiled at Hilda dopily, "You are pretty when you are angry."
Hilda groaned, "And you need to go to bed."
N frowned, "Nooo!" He complained, "I want to stay with my Hilda."
Hilda rolled her eyes, "N, Sweetie-"
N groaned.
"What?" Hilda asked.
"You called me 'Sweetie'." He groaned.
"You only call me that when you are mad at me."
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is! You normally call me 'Honey'." N pouted.
"N, Honey," Hilda corrected, "You need to sleep this off."
N frowned and extended his arms to Hilda, "Hugs?" He asked.
Hilda blushed against her will, "Ugh. Damn you for being cute..." she muttered strolling over to her boyfriend and wrapping her arms around him.
N smiled and lazily wrapped his arms around Hilda's waist, "Please do not be mad, my Hilda..." he murmured, dropping his head to her shoulder.
Hilda sighed, "It's not you I'm mad at..." She grumbled.
N blinked, "May I ask you something?"
Hilda pulled away, "Sure?"
"Do you have a chest?" N asked.
Hilda turned red and covered her chest with her arms, "N!"
N titled his head like a dog Pokémon, "What? Hugh and Cheren were talking about their girlfriends' chests and they said that you did not have one..."
Hilda narrowed her eyes, "Oh they did, did they?" She hissed.
N nodded.
"So do you?" N asked.
Hilda blushed, "Of course I do...but that's...not what they meant..."
"What did they mean?"
"That's not a conversation you should have with me."
N frowned in confusion, "Why?"
Hilda sighed and pushed her boyfriend upstairs to her room, "Stop asking questions like that." She demanded.
She pushed N on her bed, and he fell face first into the covers, "Go to sleep." She commanded.
N groaned and flipped over, "Can you sleep with me?"
Hilda's ears grew warm, but she realized it was N talking. He didn't know what that meant.
Hilda sighed and snuggled into bed next to N, "Just don't puke on me. You can't hold alcohol."
(A/N. Sigh
Isn't this a great unedited horribly written thing?
I kinda wanted to make drunk N sinful, but I couldn't do it
If anyone else wants to try...
You should
I kinda wanna see what sinful N would be like tbh
K thx bai!)