A rewrite

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"Stupid Lycanroc!" Moon hissed, covering herself with her arms. Gladion had said the foundation's midnight Lycanroc got aggressive over food, and Moon has just shrugged it off. Now she was covered in scratches, bruises, and shirtless, praying Gladion didn't see her.

Of course, Arceus had other plans.

Gladion happened to be waiting at the elevator for Moon, and that was exactly where Moon needed to be. She was planning just to steal something from Lillie, but now she was going to have to face her crush...shirtless.

At least they didn't get my bra, she thought with some optimism.

Gladion noticed her. His face was a mix of pure shock and worry, "Moon!" He exclaimed, rushing over to her.

He noticed the cuts and bruises first, "What happened to you?" Then he noticed that she was shirtless. He blushed.

Moon flushed with embarrassment, "You were right, Gladion...they are aggressive with their food."

Gladion sighed, "Told you."

"Shut up!"

Rolling his eyes, Gladion stripped himself of his shirt and shoved it in Moon's hands.

"Put it on." He commanded.

Moon blushed, "B-But-"

"-Or would you rather walk around half naked?"

Sighing, Moon pulled Gladion's shirt on. He hadn't been wearing his vest, so he was shirtless.

As the elevator climbed the floors, Moon tried not to stare at Gladion. She failed, however, and snuck glances. Though, the things she saw alarmed her.

Gladion had scars all over his torso.

On his stomach, hips, arms, even his chest and shoulders. Some were more faint than others, but they were still all highly visible.

Gladion caught her staring, "They're old."

Moon blushed, embarrassed that he caught her staring, but she soon grew worried.

Once the elevator stopped on the main floor, Gladion offered to walk Moon outside. Moon refused.

"I want to talk to you." She whispered, "Privately."

Suddenly becoming very interested in his shoes, Gladion sighed and led Moon into the home where the Aether family resided. Lusamine was off shopping with Lillie, so the home was deathly quiet. Moon and Gladion's footsteps echoed off the walls, until they finally came upon Gladion's room.

Gladion flopped down on his bed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"What happened?" Moon asked, sitting on the edge of Gladion's bed and pointing to one of the scars on his stomach.

"Nothing." Gladion denied.


Gladion took in Moon's worried expression, "They're not from me."

"That's...That's not what I was thinking." Moon denied as well.

Gladion sat up, "Yes it was."

Moon winced, "Gladion please...what happened?"

Gladion rubbed the back of his neck. He was silent for a long time before he finally answered.

"They're from Null."

Moon blinked in surprise, "Null? But Null wasn't like that..."

Gladion tsked, "Maybe not when you met it."


"Sure Silvally and I are close now," Gladion said, leaning back on his hands, "But you have to remember how Null was treated when it was here. Beaten. Abused. Tormented. It didn't trust humans. It didn't know I was trying to help."

Gladion touched the scar on his chest, "It swiped at me."

Moon stared up at Gladion in worry.

Gladion met her gaze, "I managed to calm it down enough to get it into a Pokéball. But even after we escaped, Null still didn't trust me. Why should it have?"

Moon gazed down at the dozen other scars adorning Gladion's torso.

"I don't blame Null for attacking me. In fact- I think it was necessary."

"How was that necessary?!" Moon exclaimed.

Gladion broke his staring contest with Moon. He looked down at his hands, "It was necessary because it showed Null that I was willing to go the distance to gain its trust. To show it that I wasn't going to give up. To show it that I truly wanted to be its friend. And soon enough..."

Gladion looked Moon dead in the eyes, "It stopped attacking."

"Wow..." Moon gasped.

Gladion broke his gaze with Moon and stared ahead at his wall. He jumped slightly when he felt fingers graze his hip.

"You're...okay with these?" Moon asked, lightly touching one of Gladion's scars.

Gladion blushed and nodded with a grunt, "Why? Do they freak you out?"

Moon shook her head, "I think they show your character, Gladion. You weren't willing to give up on Null because you knew your love could save it. And look where you two are now...I'd say you're even closer than Primarina and I." Moon said with a gentle smile.

Gladion returned the smile.

Moon found herself absentmindedly tracing each of Gladion's scars. He made no move to stop her, until she touched the one on his chest. He grabbed her wrist and pressed her hand to his chest- right against his heart.

Moon blushed as she felt Gladion's heartbeat underneath her hand. Risking a glance at him, Moon found Gladion staring at her intently.

Gladion's piercing green eyes clawed at Moon's resolve, beckoning her to close the distance she had wanted closed for years. Everything inside of her screamed to lean into him.

Gladion leaned in first.

He connected their lips, bringing his free hand up the cup Moon's cheek. Moon felt Gladion's heart beat faster underneath her palm, and it satisfied her that she was the reason why.

Butterfree danced in Moon's stomach as she pressed her body into Gladion.

The duo was disappointed when they had to pull away for air, but made no move to kiss again. The pair stared into each other's eyes, enjoying their silent company.

(A/N. Wow who remembers this?

No one?

It's just me then

Ah trash

K thx bai!)

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