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"Well tonight definitely sucked." Gladion grumbled, he and Moon walking into her house.

Moon giggled, "It could have been worse." She said optimistically, throwing her keys on the kitchen table.

Gladion leaned against the kitchen table, "No it was definitely the worst first date of all first dates."

Moon rolled her eyes and gave the blond a hug, "You're so dramatic."

Gladion smiled and rested his head on top of Moon's, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Stop being such a Negative Nancy all the time, okay?" Moon said, looking up at the boy.

Gladion looked down at Moon, "I could've been worse!"

Moon giggled and stood on her tip toes to give Gladion a kiss. The pair melted into each other, Gladion moving his hands down to Moon's butt.

Moon giggled, breaking their kiss.

"Ya know, it's never a good sign when the girl you're kissing starts laughing." Gladion said dryly.

"I know! I know, it's just your hands are on my butt." Moon explained.

Gladion removed his hands, going into hover-hands mode.

Moon tugged on Gladion's vest, "I'll stop! I promise I won't laugh!"

With a sigh, Gladion leaned in, and pressed his lips to Moon's. As soon as they began to melt into it again, Moon started giggling.

Gladion pulled away, "My hands are nowhere near your butt."

"I know!" Moon exclaimed, "I was just thinking about when they were there the last time!"

Gladion sighed, "Goodnight Moon." He said, gently pushing Moon away.

"No I promise I'll be good!" Moon swore, chasing after the boy walking towards the door.

Gladion turned to meet the girl chasing him. He took her hands and kissed her forehead, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Moon pouted, "Fine. I won't laugh next time!"

Gladion couldn't help but smile at the girl, "Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Flower Boy"

(A/N. Wow I didn't check for errors because why would I?)

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