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I'm thinking about writing a thing with the murder squads kiddos hanging out



I just gotta figure out the age differences and shiz

My headcanons are as follows:

Hilda and N get married when they're 21 and 24 (also my headcannon is that N is only three years old than Hilda) and Hilda has their first kiddo (Illusion) right before she turns 22. They have their second kiddo (Juniper) at 28 and 31 making Juniper six years younger than her brother.

Lyra and Silver get married right at 18 and have their first kiddo (Amber) at 20. They have their next kiddo (Garnet) at 24. Garnet is 4 years younger than Amber.

Moon and Gladion get married at 19 and 21 (I believe Gladion is about 13 at the events of SM) but they don't have their first (and only) kiddo (Lacey) until Moon's 25.

And I think SM takes place like 20/15 years after BW (or long enough for Grimsley's hair to turn gray) So when I write about the squad I throw the timeline away and just f**k around and make my own timeline.


When the squad gets together (in my weird writings not in ITPCHFB) the ages are as follows:

Hilda: 17

Gladion: 13

Silver: 15

So by the time the final squad kiddo (Lacey) is born, the ages are

Hilda: 31

Gladion: 27

Silver: 29

So let's say this writing takes place like 18 years after Lacey is born

So the kiddos ages would be

Illusion: 28/29 ish

Juniper: 22/23 ish

Amber: 27

Garnet: 23

Lacey: 18

Okay those numbers may not be right, because I suck at math, but they're probably pretty close???

Idk they're just rough numbers anyway

Lacey's is def correct tho

Maybe I should give some background on the kiddos personalities???

Yes I will def do that (Some of y'all already know a bit about Illusion and Juniper)

Illusion is based off of Joey from "Friends". He loves food and flirts with every straight female he meets. He sleeps around, a lot. Even so, he genuinely cares about his friends and his partner, Zorua. He's got a lot of pride, but he'll put it aside if he knows 100% that he's wrong. He and his sister, Juniper, both have their father's ability to understand Pokémon. His partner Zorua never stays in her Pokéball and follows Illusion around everywhere. Growing up, Illusion had a reoccurring nightmare, so his mother caught him a Musharna to eat his dreams so he wouldn't have the nightmare again. Unfortunately for him, this also means he doesn't dream. His team consists of Zorua, Musharna, and Swanna.

Juniper is very self conscious about her eyes. Her and Illusion both have two different colored eyes- their left blue and their right green. She covers her right eye with her hair because of this. She hates battling herself, but will support her brother and friends when they battle. Her partner is a Purrloin she hatched from an egg her Uncle Cheren gave her. Juniper despises the way her brother sleeps around, and never lets him forget it.

Amber looks exactly her father and acts just like her mother, but more sarcastic and mischievous. She constantly pushes the line of what's legal and what's illegal, but she almost never gets away with it. She's really close with her father, since he understands her illegal tendencies. She's gay as hell, but she's not very vocal about it, so you wouldn't know unless she told you. She's too lazy to do anything with her hair, so she just keeps it in pigtails, like her mother used to. Amber loves to battle and challenge gyms and other trainers. Her partner, Furret, could care less for battles, and only does so when absolutely necessary. She has a full team consisting of Furret, Steelix, Vileplume, Charizard, Slowking, and Nidoqueen.

Garnet, instead of going on a journey, studied abroad in Sinnoh. She later became a fashion model and moved to Kalos, much to the dismay of her father. She enjoys an occasional battle, having taken part in plenty of contests in Sinnoh. She has quite a big ego, but knows how to keep it in check. She always sees the glass half full, and always shows other kindness, just as her mother would. Her first day in Sinnoh, she encountered a pink Pachirisu and caught it solely because her hair was pink as well (her hair color is closer to the pink brown option in Sun and Moon). Her and her Pachirisu are never seen apart. The rest of her team consists of Kricketune, Mismagius, Skorupi and Roserade, having a love for poison types because of her father's Crobat and Gengar.


Lacey works at the Aether Foundation with her father. She hates battles, to the dismay of her parents. She's incredibly skinny, though she doesn't see it that way. She never leaves Aether Paradise, never seeing the need to go on a journey. Right around the time Lacey was born, her mother hatched a shiny Growlithe, and the two grew up together and Growlithe never leaves Lacey's side. Lacey is very proper and polite, but isn't afraid to speak her mind- which she will do in a very passive aggressive manner.


Y'all keeping up?

Do I even need to write about them now you pretty much know it all

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