Chapter 2

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Jamals POV.

I was waiting patiently in class for that scumbag to arrive with my books after leaving them in the lab, i went back to get my books only to see that the lab is closed, I left my book with him when the principal sent for me only to come and hear "i tought u left with it??".
I glared at him immedietly he entered the class before he reached his seat which is beside me, I began before giving him the chance to
"where are my notes!?"

"easy dude, its all here with me, and we are not submitting till next tomorrow, why are you even woried?!?" Ameer spoke while furrowing his eyebrows, to make it all seem like am too over woried.

Like heck! yes am worried, You never know what those chemicals have in mind for you, you play all Mr cool guy thinking you are just gonna see h2o and hydrogens and you end up seeing h2so4 and tetraoxosulphate(vi) acids.
We went for praticals last week and he left my notes in the lab, Just imagine!! We have assingnments to submit next tomorrow i dont even have the notes talkless of the assingnment questions.

This is the last period before our lunch break, a moment of freedom, before we get shoved back to this shithole, called class. He gets seated beside me which was the second to the last row, where we seat.

At the other side of the class, at the angle 90° to be precise was where that moronic dude sat with his freinds, Faruoq, i didnt care about his existence until two weeks back that all he ever does in this class is look for my trouble, hes currently pointing at me and saying Allah knows what to his closest buddy, zayid. They all then turn to us and laugh, hysterically, like they are looking at some circus clown performing, i gave them the look
you do not want to mess with me...
I turned to Amir who i see is looking at them and clenching and unclenching his fist.

"you dont want to" i  said to him

cause if not, in no time will farouq be a bloody mess. Amir was suspended before for beating the crap out of farouq for telling him some crappy nonsense and Ameer was said to be the guilty one which made him more furious.
He turned to face the front of the class calming his wits. Seeing the situation back to normal, I put an earpiece in my ear which a qunut was playing, i quickly changed it too loyal mumbling an  "Astaghfirullah" knowing music is haram.
A few minutes of noise making passed and the teacher walked in, that didnt shut the students untill when he cleared his voice, that is when some knew of his presence. He began the class which was English and our attentions turned back to the class.


The class ended peacefully and  me and Amir headed to the cafeteria, Amir began

"sooo i was thinking, um you know, about....  Well........"

"Straight to the point" i cut him off.

"ohhhkay...., i like, no i LOVE this girl in ss1 and am thinking of confronting her but i dont even know how or where to start from so i had a logical tought that you can help me out or rather, in" he stopped

i just stared at him, zooming in, searching for the Ameer i know and trying to hold back my laugh.
He looked at me with a rare kind of emotion in his eyes, not the one you see in Ameers eyes, but i could not help but laugh, he smacked the back of my head and hissed.
I stopped laughing and asked him to continue and he did,

"shes always with her two freinds, but the other one is her sister. They come to school together and ever since i saw her on the second day of  school resumption, i smile like a fool when i think about her. Shes short compared to my height but that makes her cute. and i learnt that her name is Arfa".

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