Chapter 10

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Basmahs POV.

I took off my hijab and hanged it. I began to have a mental debate on what and what not to tell Arfa.

I ask myself why am i doing this, why am i stopping myself from loving Jamal,
Then i remember, what Arfah went through at a very young age, and why i cant refuse Arfa anything.

she lost both her parents at the age of 12 and got rejected by her own extended family, i also lost my father but i still have my mother, and my family didnt reject me, if not for my mother Arfa would be devastated, depressed and might get close to ending up in a foster home or the orphanage, when her parents died her brother didnt even come for mere condolence, just imagine, your parents died and left your younger sister alone and you will not even leave the states to atleast see how your sister is doing but only check on her through a mere phone call that will not last more than 5mins. Arfa was toughtful that she preferred to stay with us than her brother.
I can deprive myself anything, even if it will cause me pain, physical, emotional, so long it will be in Arfas benefit.

Arfa walks in a few minutes later engrossed in her phone so i called out her name meekly.
Me "Arfa?"

Arfa "what" raising an eyebrow and pulling a straight face, avoiding my face.

Me continued "there is something i am suppose to tell you that happened almost Maybe a month ago, Someone collected your Contact that he likes you but has not made a move yet.

Arfas eyes lights up with excitement and looks at me for the first time Since she entered the room.

I continued "because he is doubting himself and also i am not going to tell you who the person is because you will find out soon, i was told not to tell you this but it seems you are doubting me and my legs go weak when you look at me and all i see i disappointment, so i decided to tell you a bit of a something, so that i will not be getting questioning and unbelievable looks again, from you or Mahra".

After i finished talking, i could see that Arfa could no longer contain herself so she stood up doing a mini victory dance and laughing happily. I also sounded a smile.

She sat down and began talking, i had to mentally chain myself down to not pounce on her and give her the beating of her life.

Arfa "haha, i knew something was up so Mahra advised me to put up with that attitude and you being you, soft hearted, will eventually start talking and tell us whatever it is your are hiding and you did!!, awesome me!!" she finished doing a wiggle dance while sitting down.

I tried strangling her but we both ended up on the floor with me on top of her pinching her so hard that got her shouting.

Me "you have no idea what you just got me and you into!"

Arfa "hahaa are you gonna tell me the whole story or should i call mom and tell her you are seeing someone??!!!" she threatened.

Me "Arrgghh, Arfa you will not cause me a heart failure".

Arfa "better start talking!!"

Me "or what!!"

Arfa "i tell mom!!"

I sighed and sat up while stretching my legs on the rug and Arfa adjusted. I began

"it has to do Jamal and Ameer and till either of them speaks to you, you have no knowledge of such, that is i didnt tell you anything, right!!??!"

Arfa "yeah, cool, cool, i wil be patient" still pleeeaasee tell me which of them.."

Me "haa! You cannot trick me no further, coconut head kawai".

Arfa " yes sisturrh, hehe"

I stood up and entered the bathroom, i slapped myself both physical and mental, what did i just do??!!
i asked myself while looking at my reflection in the mirror, i have to speak to Jamal.
Arfa talked of being patient but i know her more than anyone, patience is the last thing she is capable of having.
I washed my face before walking out of the bathroom, Arfa is no more in the room, so i tought she may be in the kitchen our favourite place..., i got my phone and checked my messages, i saw a message from Jamal and Ameer but i opened Jamals first

Jamal "are you back to ignoring me again dear 😟😟😟"

I replied "no am not, something came up, anyway, when will Ameer talk to Arfa cause i think i messed up, 😑 big time"

Jamal "what did you do??!!"

Me "i think i MIGHT have told her 😓"

I didnt recieve a reply this time but saw his call coming in so i answered.

On the phone he told me that i should not make a big deal out of it i should just keep Arfa patient and he will deal with Ameer, so i was like "okay, sure"
I kept my phone while falling back on my bed letting out a loud sigh.
Well that went well

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#nigeria issa great country.


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