chapter 30

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Basmahs POV.

"As a matter of fact i wasnt the one with a guy that does not mind embarrassing himself in public, i wasnt the one with a guy that was claiming me when he knows i am in a relationship and also it wasnt me with a guy that walked up to you insulting you, was it?" She said all in one breath gesturing with her hand. "And oh lemme add too, it is you that wants to TALK not me so why will i be asking YOU questions?" She pointed at me then herself. "You better start explaining or am leaving this ring here, my freinds are waiting for me" despite the fact that i was so angry at Jamal i stayed calm and cool inside the restaurant and imma lash out at him right now.

"Basmah please calm down. This is so unlike you Sumayya was my girlfreind, we are not together anymore we broke up recently and she is having a hard time accepting it. She literally follows me everywhere i go" He made mention and all i did was eye him with my arms folded still fuming with rage.

"She was your girlfriend.. Jamal what ugh!" I didnt even know what to say.

"We actually broke up a day after our date you know that night when i called you to meet me in the park near your street". That was why he was all dressed up that night, still not enough reason. I wasnt expecting to see him with any girl anywhere just a week after he met my family, and of all people his ex? It hurts bad.

"So you were still together when you claimed to love me then, Jamal why would you do that!?" Am not one bit convinced with what he said and i am not chilling completely down just yet

"I was actually planning on breaking up with her and when we met, again it gave me a push to go for it" i tried concentrating to remain pissed but without a valid reason the anger disappeared.

"So now she is thinking i am the reason or you told her i am the reason?" I raised an eyebrow now facing him. I noticed behind him through the window Ameer walk out of the restaurant then walk back in when he saw me and Jamal in the car.

"Uhm.. i kinda told her you are the reason that is why shes all crazy and ballistic at you. Am sorry" he appologized as if he meant it

"Seriously?!" This guy is unbelievable

"Look baby am sorry please, i just wanted her out of my life since now youre back in it i didnt like the idea of having you with another, please understand" he tried to sound as mild as possible and since.. atleast he appologized.. i might understand.. but!

"Then why were you holding her hand?" When i saw thier hands intwined my heart pounded with i what i dont even know even though i held a poker face.

"What! noo i was trying pry her hands off mine. She was sitting at my table while i waited for Ameer and and she was annoying the crap out of me so i got up to get another table then she held my hand so i got furious and tried ripping it off, and that was when you came in" he admitted.

I narrowed my eyes piercing holes into his face to find even tiniest hint of him lying and its either there was none or i couldn't look past the love in his eyes. I still remained quiet then looked out the window

"Am i forgiven?"

"Not just yet Mr, how many girlfreinds did you have after high school?"

"Uhm.. just three"

"Interesting" i answered i walked out of his car and made sure i banged the door then made my way back into the restaurant, all heads turned towards my direction while i eyed them all then proceeded with my head held high. I smiled upon sighting Maryam and Hauwa  atleast i know they are always here for me.

"Hey hey" I looked beside me to see Ameer

"What do you want?" I asked after taking my seat.

"Jamal is telling the truth please believe him" he mentioned and  occupied the last empty seat.

"How do you even know what he told me? What if he told me a lie?"

"Jeez Basmah chill out, you of all people know just how much Jamal loves you right? Like that nigga would do anything for you c'mon now" he stated like its the most obvious thing. What if he choses her over me? Just like how he chose Arfa? I dont ill take two doses of that, the one i had is enough.

"Atleast he should have told me he HAD other girlfreinds since afterall 'we' claim to be a faithful couple"

He bursted out laughing and i resisted the urge to slap his beard of his face. He didnt say anything afterwards but turned his attention to his phone. Which only annoyed me further

"What exactly are we missing?" Flabbergasted Dear Hauwa asked

"Well hello m'ladies, i go by the name  Ameer and it is a pleasure dining with you damsels, who are you ladies again?" Ameer seemed to notice them now.

"People way out of your league" i answered for them and on cue Jamal walked in and moved towards us i turned my head the opposite direction when he arrived, he pulled a chair from the empty table beside us and kept it in front of me.

"Hey babes" he said with a smile playing on his lips, Maryam nudged me but i remained firm upholding my frown.

"Am not your baby"

"Ohh i forgot you are my fiancee, right?"


"Seriously am sorry Basmah, i know i should have told you earlier am sorry you had to find out this way"

"Its okay" if not for the sake of me atleast for the sake of disappointing our audience.

chapters taking too long and coming out short I know am sorry 😔  I dont know why but i constantly get writers block, Like id be staring at my screen and have no idea what to write.

Anyways thank you for sparing your time to read Jamal and Basmahs shtori 🤗.
Dont forget to

Stay blessed always 💖

Fateemmarh AB

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