Chapter 17

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Basmahs POV.

"Hauwa! Welcome!" I pulled her in for a hug, i made sure i said her name out loud for ya Juhaifa to hear because that guy is crazily in love, with my freind, She does not know anything about it, gee she doesnt even know him.

"oxygen girl, i need air..!" she pushed me off her and claimed alot of air

As he said, ya Juhaifa "i want to make her mine, i want to marry her", when he told me my eyes were egg sized. He unfortunately does not know she is my freind and will find out just today, i cant wait to see his expression, evil laughter.

I pulled her to the parlour where the two of them are engrosed in their phones, She gave me a skeptical look before looking back at the good looking men seated.
"let me introduce you to my brothers, This is ya Adnan and that is ya Juhaifa" i said to her after we reached the parlour.
"guys this is Hauwa Mu'az, my freind and course mate"

I fixed my eyes on Ya Juhaifa to make sure i dont miss his face, and i didnt! priceless! is the perfect description i would say, when he heard Hauwa Mu'az his head shot up like a bullet, his mouth was hanging open, it seemed he forgot how to breath and i could not be more happy in my life, wicked!

"ina yinin ku" (good evening). Hauwa said

"lafiya qalau ya kike, welcome" the reply came from ya Adnan, ya Juhaifa hasnt recovered from his state of concious coma, happy dance!

"yeah sannunki" ya Juhaifa finally said after clearing his throat.

He gave me a look that if it was someone in my position will have jelly legs, "you are dead", what his eyes said, i tried my best in surpressing my outburst but it got the best of me, i managed to restrict it to a sneer which turned heads to my direction, i pretended to not exist there. I pulled Hauwa to my room afterwards...

Dinner time!!

Maryam came half an hour later and as expected i had to buy a new gown, this time around i bought a silver gown, the bodice is tight while the rest of it was flowing everywhere, the shoulders, sleeves and neckline were laced. I simply paired it with my white pumps, a white headgear and clutch to complete the look, makeup? I have Maryam, She did what she did and i turned out not bad.

A twist in events, ya Juhaifa insisted on dropping us, an obvious reason of course, Hauwa!, he wanted so badly to atleast have a word with her, i could have ended up in the backseat but that would look suspicious so he let me sit at the front seat. Instead of a mercedes, its a BMW now, all cool.

We parked at the venue and sauntered out of the car after a gazillion selfies from Maryam which i was not in, should have stayed in the backseat, i took a couple also, i took one with everyone in the car and caught ya Juhaifa looking at Hauwa through the rearview mirror, expect a wedding soon Basmah, i informed myself.
I told ya Juhaifa i'll call him when we are done and surprisingly he didnt argue, putting up a gentleman attitude aei brother?, a mental question which seemed he got it by my wiggling eyebrows, he gave me a threatening look, i smiled back, hehe.....

Maryam wore a peach fitted gown while Hauwa wore a blue-black lace A gown.
The moment we walked in, an electricity volt sparked in my system and my heartbeat accelerated which i ignored because i tought it was because of the insanely loud music.
I darted my eyes every direction maybe i will land it on the host, Taheer. I spotted him in the distance talking to someone who looked ridiculously familiar, i shifted my legs forward to get a clearer view but this stupid guy jumped in front of me, ohh, Zayid is the stupid guy.

"Haven't you heard of something called maturity!?" I sparked at him for just acting like a kid

"Hey, hey, easy there woman, it was suppose to startle you anyway, you just arrived?" he asked

"No actually, i've been here since yesterday" i answered him, sarcasticly.

"sorry toh, dont eat me alive" he apologised putting up his hand

"you will taste bad" i answered him honestly, "Where is Taheer?" i tried changing the subject.

"To eager to see your prince i see.." great! i tought, you gave him a good subject to talk about, now he will think am desperate to see him, urgghh.

"Hah! He wishes" i replied to Zayid, "I have to go now, we have not had anything to eat because yes, me and them, pointing to Maryam and Hauwa, just arrived, and its 9:36pm so step aside! or rather, Where are you sitting? If there is an empty table there let me and the rest (Maryam and Hauwa) take it"

"Yeah there is one..., shoot! I almost forgot! Guess who is here? Am not telling you till you see for yourself..., you gonna jump outta your skin baeba! " he snickered,  a mischievious smile was plastered on his face which i do not trust, what does he mean? Who could possibly make me jump outta my skin? I silently tought.

I glared at him, he simply made way for me to pass and i looked back to where i saw Taheer and someone but they were not there any more great, just great...

"The seat please.." i said with a sigh.

"Ohh follow me" he led the way and we gladly followed him.


"Taaheeerr!! Where the heck were you? you were suppose to be the first person i meet but this imbecile was" i shot at him when he came to seat, i referred to Zayid as the imbecile.

"sorry babe, i got caught up in a lot of people, from introducers to long term freinds and finally my best freind" he said nudging my shoulder "soo how are you and hopefully you are enjoying the party"

I smiled "yes i am, thanks to this nut head" I pointed to Zayid, "who has been cracking up jokes since we sat, i almost choked on my drink wallah!"

He laughed heartily, his laughter that i'd come to like "eeh.. i have to go, sorry..." Taheer said after answering to a a group of dudes across our table

"yeah, cool no p" I answered. He gave an apologetic smile then left.
I need to use the powder room this instant, my bladder cant hold no more, i got up and headed where i  remembered seeing a sign, just outside the hall, "excuse me guys.." i excused my self from the people present on the table which consisted of Maryam, Hauwa, Salmah and Zayid.

Am at ease finally, on my way back to the hall, i saw a brand new Dodge among the cars parked, damn, that car is AMAZING!

As i was about to step inside, i froze,
him, i saw him.
Jamal, i saw him,
Jamal is who i saw, he is walking this way, probably to the exit,
I couldn't move,
I couldn't breath,
I was stuck in my position and everything that happened years back rushed in like a flood invading the dry lands.

He came closer, three feet away, he saw me, he stilled, his expression was unreadable, he left his jaw hanging, his pink lips parted to say something but nothing came out.

I took in his new look, he has a beard now, side burns, jet black hair, his eyes danced with the lights, his eyes spoke a language i didnt understand, he is wearing a white kaftan, and believe it or not, he is taller, a rolex watch took home on his arm.
I remembered how to breath, i took in a considerable amount of air to be sure this is not a dream, my pulse is no different from someone suffering a heart attack, everything was blurred, he is all i see, the noise, the music, the people, all background.

I remembered how to talk..
"Jamal...?" I said unsure of myself.

"Yeah?..... Basmah?.... Is it really you....?"

How do all of you do? 💃💃💃
*does a tripple back flip* Its Jamal guys!!!!! He is back!

Next chapter coming soonest


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