Chapter 9

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Basmahs POV.

Its very clear what you want but you deny yourself, because of others benefit, You know that is what your heart has searched for, but you are depriving it, you do not even want to admit it to yourself, that you love him, because of others benefit, how funny isnt it? When you put others love before yours, when you sacrifice for others that have no knowledge of such, and say Its all in the name of love.

Basmahs POV

So these guys have no idea on the kind of pressure they have on me, and how selfish they make me feel, somebody please help..?,
I need to talk to someone and that someone is who am not suppose to talk to.
I scolded Jamal today after Asr, he came to where we were Having breakfast with our mothers.
He decided to play all innocent like he knew nothing of us being there, and am pretty sure he saw my live video on IG.
Yes i scolded him, we have gotten that close even though not that close, because of non other than me offcourse, trying to be immune to love,
Head over heels!, thats what happened to me, i have fallen for non other than Jamal. He is sending me hints of such Which i all ignore and mask up and conceal my emotions real well, all for the sake of Arfa.

On a saturday, Mom is home always except if she has traveled, we dropped Mahras Mother back home but Mahra decided to stay for the day and go back home later. Am currently sitting on the one seater couch with my legs crossed on the couch while Arfa and Mahra on the three seater watching an indian movie for the hundredth time "sanam teri kasam" and probably will cry for the hundredth time as well, i watched it three times and cried all the times, i dont want anymore crying so i decided to chat instead, i plucked my headphone as if listening to something Which am not.
Am chatting with Ameer and ignoring Jamal as punishment for appearing when least expected (bambarakwaishh) even though they came together i am pretty sure Its Jamals idea.
Mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner, we made a deal to clean the house tomorrow since we aint helping with dinner and our househelp has travelled.
Ameer is trying to explain to me that Jamal knew nothing of us being there Which i find hard to believe, like com'on! the whole of Kaduna!, its where we eat breakfast, time to time! That they'd show up!
Am not buying it...
This is the first time i posted a story of us going there and you tell me its a coincidence?! That they decided to go there!
For someone like me, its gonna take all you got to convince me.

Just then Mahra saw the expression on my face and popped the question i dreaded not to answer, because i cant lie no more.
Mahra "who are you talking to, that got that expression on ya face??"

Doom!! My hearts onomatopoeia.

Me "just someone, ill tell you about it later when you finish watching" i answered looking unbothered by the question.

Arfa "Mahra dont mind Basmah, she has become mysterious these days, pretty sure she's hiding something" her eyes fixed on the 50 inched screen, not even sparing me a glance.

You got that right Arfa, you might know later, or not, probably not.

I cant make a promise by breaking another, it will only complicate things...

The adhan for maghrib has already been called so Ameer told me he has to go to the mosque and we will talk later, Jamal has been sending me messeges and when i checked i saw almost twenty and i didnt want to open and my ego will not even leave me, even though Ameer somehow managed to convince me that Jamal had nothing to do with their unexpected appearance.
I left the messages, unread.
I also and the ladies got up and prayed, we pray jam'i at home Since we are all girls in the house till the next three months or so.
And like a ritual it has now become something we do always after maghrib, scenting the house with turaren wuta (perfume).
We ate dinner which is rice and chicken sauce plus zobo (hibiscus juice).
We got ready by me wearing my Moms hijab Which was sweeping wherever i walked, underneath i was wearing only shorts and a Justin Bieber vest, Arfa also wore my Moms hijab even though we both got scolded, it didnt make us think twice.
Arfa underneath her hijab was leggings and a tank top.
Only Mahra was dressed formally since she has been here since morning, my mom was wearing a black gown so she just took her veil and we plopped out and locked the house after making sure the ember has died out.
We went in our mothers rav4, with some music playing heaven sent. This song has been around for a While but Its still amazing and has not aged.
We stoped at a bakery and bought some snacks to take to Mahras and ofcourse, their twins!!.
I saw a car outside the bakery that looked very much like Jamals but he was not in the bakery so its probably not his, if it was he i would have had to walk up to him and shout my lungs out at him to stop coming places.
We bought mostly cakes and a four-litre ice cream for us and them (foodiess).


We prayed isha there and left and discussed about everything and there mother talking about the new place they are moving to and how she plans to decorate it, from the way she is sounding, its gonna be a huge house.
We left Mahras place and in the car i sat in the back seat sipping a milk shake and Arfa in the passenger seat looking out the window also sipping, and my mom driving.

So i decided to check Jamals messages now.

Hey smilyy 🙋 saw you this morning 😁


Salam alaikum!! 😶

Ameer told me you are ignoring me 😦

Comm'oon Basmahh!!

I didnt know you will be in the pancake house 😰

Basmah stop this is not funny 😕

Pleeeaasee smily

Heeyyoo beautiful 😉😉

Sorry i wont flirt 😐😐😯

Basmaaahhh!! 😭😭

Okay am sorry, please stop ignoring me 😫

Basmah i Have something to tell you

Its very important, please reply 😰

Basmah dear, am sorry okay?! , you are not making it easy on me😫

Stop talking to Ameer also!!, we went there together!! 😟

Basmah?? Smily?? Are you there??!!

I will buy you ice cream 🙍, just reply, 😢

Okay, sorry i will leave you 😕😭👋


Okay, sorry bye 😑😑 😭😭😭.

I giggled at his messages, feeling happy and sad at the same time, i missed him because today we didnt even talk at all, apart from morning greetings.
I sent him a very short reply for all the messages.

Ice cream huh?

Jamal: Basmmaahh!! 😆😆😍, finally!!, i missed you 😫, thanks for replying, yes icecream, whatever kind you want, just am sorry okay?!,

I just realized that its me making a big deal out of it, like, its very possible we can meet anywhere, we all live in kaduna even though not the same area, but the areas are kind of close, so we might end up in places together even though not together.
And i think am angry not because they showed up there but because he didnt even come to say hi even though our mothers were there it still will do no harm.

I didnt know i was smiling until my mother asked why through the mirror. That drew Arfas attention and she looked at me with disbelief in her eyes, and i knew its about time she knows at least something, if not everything.
I replied to my Mom that i saw a meme that relates and nothing more.
After we parked and got all out Arfa narrowed her eyes at me and i looked away, I will rather have the conversation when my Mom is nowhere near.
I scooped three scoops of icecream from what we bought earlier and headed straight to our room. I left Arfa and Mom in the kitchen scooping their scoops.
I took off my hijab and hanged it. I began to have a mental debate on what and what not to tell Arfa.

Phewww 😅 what a chapter!!
Dont forget to vote please, it drains me of energy seeing you guys read and not vote 😫.
Comment anything, even if its not related to the book.

How many of we are on IG??
my handle "fateemmarh_AB"
Would like to meet beautiful souls 😍😍


You know those auntys that will come to your house and just sit around calling your name 50 to 100 times a day??
Hmmm, lemme say no more 😑😑


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