chapter 32

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On reaching home i went straight to my room thanking the almighty that neither ya Adnan or Mom saw me. I didnt see ya Juhaifas car which basically means hes not home yet, wonder where he at.

I got into the shower and just as the water hit me all that happened did aswell. I stayed still letting the water wash away todays sweat but leaving my stress in place. I made a mental note to not take sides but let it all transpire and i will be nothing but a by stander, whatever happens is for the best.
I walked out 30minutes later and maghrib was close so i wore my oversized T shirt and sweatpants and made way downstairs to the kitchen where i am sure Mom is.

"Im home!!" i hugged her from behind and yelled into her ear as i gave her a peck.

"Toh Sannunki, Hows my daughter in law" my mother asked already claiming Hauwa, if only she knew about the underground drama

"Mom already..?" I chuckled and opened the fridge to scan its content

"Please i am getting old and i dont see any of the three of you getting prepared for Marriage, koh da yake you introduced Jamal so i better hear from him soon, i know you too well dont chase him away" i thought she was joking but she looked serious. She sprinkled some flour on the counter she was kneading a dough of what i dont know

"Hmm Mom is eager for grandkids" i turned around to see ya Juhaifa at the door. He looks less disheveled and more composed unlike a couple of hours ago this morning. All good things i pray seeing him in such a manner gave me jelly legs

"Ya Juhaifa ina wuni" i greeted to sort of create a conducive environment for the tension we all held before Mom will sense.

"Mom can i talk to your big baby?" He asked my mother who was engrossed in what she was doing

"I am not a big baby" i protested folding my arms

"Yes you are. And go hear what your brother has to say that he doesnt want his mother to know" she eyed the two of us but still didn't pry, thank God because i know better than to lie to my mother. She put more pressure onto her dough and i felt sorry for all the punches it is recieving.

I swallowed hard and followed him out to the parlour where he sat with a leg on top another head leaned back and eyes closed.

"Basmah why didnt you tell me?" He questioned without moving from his position, most probably exhausted.

"Yaya its not my story to tell, and very much not my place to tell you something of this magnitude what ever happens between you guys is between you guys"

"But still the least you could do was give me a headsup" he moved forward from the couch and rested his elbows on his thighs while he held his head captive.

"Im sorry i didnt but what happened has happened really its up to you now, yes Hauwa does love you but truth be told you hurt her. And i will no way in hell take sides, she's my freind youre my brother. Sort yourselves out, dont let this pain keep you from each other please?"

I didnt wait for his reply but got up and up to my room i went upstairs I performed my ablution and prayed my sallah, the two were still on my mind and the easiest way to get out of your head is to get into your heart so i made a phone call.


"Wa alaikum salam hope you reached home safe" i answered his unsaid salam

"Salam alaikum, yess i did Alhamdulillah but i want to know whats bothering you, please dont say nothing, you seemed really disturbed earlier"

"Mr J guy__" i whined..

"Please stop calling me that"

"Yeah yeah anyways its nothing serious or something you have to worry about" i lied while i used my free hand to rub the arch of my brows

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