Chapter 18

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Basmahs POV.

"Basmah?... Is it.. really you...?"

Jamals voice, that i believed i would never forget, because of how it used to drive me crazy when he spoke, is a now a voice that seemed i never heard its type in my entire life, This now mans voice is giving me goosebumps, his voice was deep, vibrating, yet beautifully masculine.

I was dragged out of my reverie when he came closer and stopped a feet away, six inches away, i had to raise my head to look at his face, he looked directly Into my eyes when my mouth refused to talk, i lowered my gaze when the stare became so intense that i feared i could Not take nomore, his scent, was what filled the atmosphere, overcoming different scents. My body that seemed on auto-pilot moved backwards, then sideways, then forward to walk past the first person that caused damage to my heart and left a parmanent scar. Just as i was to pass him, he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him, sparks, fire, nuclear feeling was what i felt, he said something that i didnt hear because of the music, then he smiled, a smile that could send two countries to war if one didnt get its smile. i found myself smiling back, my next tought was to hug him but the part of my brain that controlled my body did not think that, i freed my hand from his and turned to walk back to my seat, my legs were trembling, It became impossible to walk in my six inch hills so i took to the seat nearest to me.
I didnt look back to see if he was still standing, or followed me, or has left.

If not for the primer that dearest Maryam used on my face I would be a sweaty mess. I unlocked my purse and got my phone, home, i want to go home, i have to clear my head, the war my two minds are having will tear me apart.

After i was relaxed enough to walk, i moved back to my seat. "I have to go home guys...  I dont feel too good" I told my freinds who its just Zayid and Maryam that are still sitting.

Maryam responded first "What Happened? did you purge? You stayed too long in the bathroom, tell me are you okay? Lets just hope its not typhoid, ya ilahiy! you have to go, have you called your brother to come pick you?"

Yepp, my drama queen!! Thats Maryam for you, i laughed so hard at her response, i didnt want to say anything about my encounter with J guy because she does not know about him.. And definately will never

Then Zayid replied this time "subhanallahi, Maryam how could you wish for your freind something that deadly!? Anyway, But Basmah you havent met who i told you was here earlier, you cant leave naa com'on"

I internally scoffed, i did jump out of my skin when i saw Jamal, you were right Zayid.. "well.. Maybe we were not to meet today soo maybe some other time, my brother just texted he is outside so i gotta go, tell Taheer am really sorry but i had to go okay? byyee"  I finally said waving at them and taking to my heels.
I kept my head low as i walked to avoid another encounter.

I saw Ya Juhaifa with his car parked close to the Dodge i saw earlier, dodge..! Jamal drive a dodge..! I should have known...! Too late now. I walked up to ya Juhaifa and it seemed he is looking for someone else and am the only one coming, i looked behind me to look also... oohh, Hauwa...
"yaya! Its just me, she aint coming braza, get a hold of yourself!!" I voiced to him, Suddenly all i can see was disapointment disapointment disapointment all over his face.... He frowned before asking why
"the dinner aint over, its just me leaving cause i feel a bit sick"

He replied "then get in" great, my brother is no longer a gentleman..

I obliged, was about to shut the door when Jamal came to his car, as suspected, it is his car... The dodge..,
He looked at me and i looked at him, he seemed a bit hopeful but lost, i looked away and shut my door, i cant let my once broken heart get to me, i could see through the tinted window his shoulders slumping, i felt bad but! for a mili second.

Ya Juhaifa got in and started the car so i looked away until we left the area.

My head was leaning on the window, i kept remembering our conversations, his way of talking, walking, teasing.. How his eyes said gallons of words that his mouth never poured out, then how he proposed to Arfa, right in my presence, without acknowledging me or atleast asking for privacy, how he took his bestfreinds' girlfreind-to-be, and how he cut everyone out, just after leaving school, not even a year long.. I just took notice of the song playing in ya Juhaifas' car...

Dont the water grow the trees?
Dont the moon pull the tides?
Dont the stars light the sky?
Like you need to light my life

If you need me anytime
You know am always right by your side
See i never felt this Love
You are the only thing thats on my mind

You dont Understand how much you really mean to me
I need you in my life youre my necessity yeah
But believe me youre everything that just makes my world complete
My Love is clear the only thing that ill ever see
Youre all i ever need
Baby youre amazing
Youre my angel come and save me

(all i ever need, Austin Mahone)

Seven years ago, Jamal said me to listen to this song, that all he wants to say is in the words, i never paid attention until today..

Whats gonna happen now? that he just decide to show up after leaving?

When we reached home, i wasted no time on heading to my room which my momma saw me and gave a questioning look, i shrugged it off after a reassuring smile.
I changed almost immedietly into my comfy clothes and sauntered on my bed, i dont want to over think it... Might cause heart and brain damage. The somnia i longed for finally took me away...

Surprise!!!!! Consecutive chapters, in Consecutive days, the cliffhanger didnt hang for too long right??!

Yeah!!! *chris brown*

Hints? toughts? Whats gonna happen next?

Wait for it..

Wait For it..

You gonna find out next week 😌

Ohhhkay am gone, *sings pitch perfects' 'when am gone' *

Am Writing a new book. "In her presence" I just published the intro, hope youll like it 😘😘

Fateemmarh ❤💭

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