Chapter 7

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Basmahs POV

So i decided to go with my last thought of three days ago.
Stay mute, keep going with the flow, lets see where the river comes to an end.

Today Jamal and i talked in school without anyone knowing except Amir of course, it was in the school cafeteria today, only me ate today because Mahra and Arfa are fasting.
I was also going to but of course am a lady......
They said they would not even go to the cafeteria because they might get tempted to eat and i cant refuse food because of them, right?
I got my food which is fried chips and ketchup, and tea.
I found a silent corner and launched an empty table eating only me Which this is the most boring time i have ever had eating.
I was enjoying my boring but tasty meal when a plate full of food was kept on my table across me and another one beside it.
I didnt raise my head to see who is it cause i was not in the mood and i already knew who it might be.
Two minutes of silent eating and intensive gazes, i decided to see who is the one making me uncomfortable.
To not my utmost surprise i saw Jamal and Ameer, they both threw smiles my way and i raised an eyebrow to that. (what do they want).
Jamal began "Hey Basmah"
Ameer Also "hola"
And me just smiled,
Then Jamal continued
"we saw you eating alone so we said it will do no harm if we join you because from over there we saw that you are dying of boredom so we joined". He ended with a tight lip smile.
(was it that obvious...).
I just said "Thank you"
In my head i wanted to ask him why is he always around only when the girls are not, but i dont want to know the answer.
My inner me finally wining, i gulped down the last gulp of my tea and raised my head to look him straight in the eye.
He was startled at first but adjusted to my sudden movement.
He looked back into my eyes and i saw nothing in his eyes, he really has a huge bullet proof wall to his emotions.
I still did ask "Jamal, why is it that when am with Mahra and Arfa you dont come around except when am alone? They asked me the same question and i have been thinking of the answer and i couldnt get one so i decided to ask you" i finished still looking in his eyes, i saw i hint of something but he covered it all up again (hmmpph.....)
He looked at Ameer and back to me like he was looking for the answer himself. He opened his mouth to say something but he decided otherwise.
He said not so confidently " Maybe its just coincidental, because its now that you talked that i just realized that as well, but where are they today??, because you never eat alone, and you are always with them??" (trying to change the topic huh..?!)
I narrowed my eyes at him deciding to answer him or not.
"They are not eating today" i answered him after what seemed like forever.
He gave me a questioning look but decided not to ask.
Then Ameer asked "how is Arfa"
I replied she is fine, i took the oppurtunity to ask him when is he going to talk to her finally.
He just smiled and shrugged his shoulder showing he also doesnt know when. I was going to bug him to ask her out but i tought Maybe he has his own reasons so i let it slide.


At home today its Just me and Arfa, i am wearing an extra large jallabiya and black tights and Arfa is wearing an over sized tank top and a black tight.
My mom aint home just yet so me and Arfa are to cook, me in particular cause my mom as well is fasting.
After i finished cooking me and Arfa are making a fruit salad in the kitchen when a phone call came through, an earphone was plugged in so i answered without checking the caller ID.

Guess who

This voice i can identify even in the seventh heaven, Jamal.
I could not leave the kitchen to recieve the call so i answered like it is the most normal thing,
Arfa didnt mind until i called the name of the caller.
She dropped the knife she was holding and stared at me with a shock written all over her face and a jaw drop, then an evil grin crept unto her face.
I gave her a daring look and she laughed her head off.

When i say i dont feel anything for him, i am lying.

We talked on the phone for almost 30mins, when i realized he has no intentions on cutting the call i came up with an excuse that my battery is low and i have to charge the phone.
I turned to look at Arfa and it is very obvious that she couldnt hide her feelings anymore, she is jealous,
I called her name twice before she answered (now what am i gonna tell her, i cant keep lying).

Well..... Thats that for now.
The chapter is over, do you think Basmah might let her a little something or is she gonna say not the Truth?
What is the truth???

It will be really nice of you all if you tell your freinds to tell their freinds to tell thier family to tell their freinds about this book😁😁.
Allah will reward us all in sha Allah 😘

I tought of writing Jamals point of view but maybe next chapter or the one after it.
I have talked too much already so am out!!


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