Chapter 14

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He was breathing heavily and i was at the brink of tears, nobody is allowed to see my tears so instead of consoling Ameer i headed to the girlsroom to console myself........

I came out of the girls room after what seemed like forever, i met Mahra on her way to the girlsroom probably to check on me and someone to clear her head, i will not want to be the person.

Warm tears were gently flowing down my face i made no effort in wiping it but tried my best to stop it, "this is not the strong Basmah you fool" i said to myself like a whisper, i didnt want to have puffy eyes in school. Immedietly the tears  cascaded down iwashed my face, i kept slappimg myself with water and splashing it on my face, it seemed like i was only making the tears worse, "get your mind off it, you are not suppose to cry, you have no right to cry............." i kept repeating to myself, until the eye liquid subsided, i looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were close to red which is one thing i do not want happening especially while am in school, it will draw too many questions and most people will relate it to she is envious of her sister, another thing that i despise as much.

I washed my face for the last time before exiting the bathroom, thats when i met Mahra on her way here.

"what the jahannam happened!?, no what the jahannam is happening!!??" Mahra asked, obviously confused...

"wellll this hell of a  story can only be told when you come home and i promise to tell you everything....." i answered her asking myself if really everything

She narrowed her eyes at me, she opened her mouth to say something but decided against it, she just nodded and shifted making way Meaning we should go because break time was over a while ago and the teacher might probably be already in class.
We walked side by side with only a few students still loitering around,

"where is Ameer?" i asked Mahra who seemed deep in toughts

"i dont know, since he walked out of the cafeteria i didnt see him, i tought you two were together but when lunch time was over and you didnt return, i decided to look for you which i started with the bathroom and voila! You were there!"

I made a mental note to definately check on him before the end of today.

"where is Arfa?" i asked again, afraid of the question and the possible answer.

"uhmm Jamal is walking her to class, thats the chance i got to come check on you, i left them to have a moment, new lovers......" she said with a sigh

Why is my heart aching? arent i suppose to be happy for Arfa? i hugged myself so tightly, squeezing my heart, hoping the aching will stop, i took two deep breaths i made my mind to act as normal as possible, like nothing ever happened.
  That crashed when we reached our class door to see Jamal whispering something in Arfas ear, she turned red then Jamal walked away with a smirk on his face i almost lost my balance but tried my best not to, only not to point out any hint to Mahra that i like Jamal.

I turned my gaze and looked everywhere but him, i only looked back when i was sure he was out of sight.
Arfa was literally glowing, i went on world war III before i finally was able to plaster a smile on my face and began acting like everything was normal. We walked up to Arfa and i still managed to tease her despite my pain, we entered the class together as if nothing happened, the give away was only Arfas distant smile, the gossip has already invaded every class i see, ours included.

Back to present day (remember?, Basmah was telling Mahra what she missed and is missing? Read the beninging of the previous chapter, cool? good).

This happened a week ago and Mahra came today just to hear how it all began and she did, again her not knowing about my feelings for Jamal.

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