chapter 34

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i was done with lunch immediately before zuhr and as the adhan was being called i walked into the shower to rinse away the lingering smell of indian spices.
Mahra and her mother are on thier way already, Ya Adnan is at work and he has being looking for a place to move out to which my mom is against but he doesnt seem to budge.
And ya Juhaifa on the other hand_ well we've been avoiding each other since that day and i havent had a serious talk with Hauwa yet. Moms at work obviously so i am home all by myself. As usual.


"Salam alaikum!" Mahra shouted as she was walking in, she looked ridiculously different from the last time i saw her, her skin being unnaturally white but i didnt say a word.

"Wa alaikum salam welcome!" i pulled her in for a hug and we moved away from the door.

Her mother walked in with a very vibrant smile "How are you my dear" she greeted

i let go of Mahra and answered "I am fine Alhamdulillah mommy youre all welcome, hope your journey was nice" i cajoled

"Alhamdulillah it was good, sha we managed you know how the roads are now" she said with an eye roll

They made themselves comfortable in the living room while i took thier luggage up the stairs before coming back and getting refreshments.

"oh thank you dear" she beamed me a smile and asked while i poured her a drink "when will your mother be back?"

"she said she'll be home early today so anytime from now" i answered with a smile and she acknowledged with nod then took a seat beside Mahra switching through the channels and coming up with a discussion for us


Jamal came to take me to see his family, my potential inlaws "I dont mean this in a bad way but what is your father like" i asked him as we got off the highway, i couldnt help my anxiousness as i kept fiddling with the stoned hems of my lilac veil.

He replied after a shrug "Hes strict, and very straightforward, well he asked me whether i had a girl or he should get me one and i answered i have you, i dont know why he wants to see you though" he answered with his eyes focused on the road

Jamal didnt tell me this earlier he only told me about his father wanting to retire and him having to take over. "ohkay.. but do you have an idea on who the other girl is?" i had to ask.

He tilted his head towards me and rolled his eyes but still held a smile "no i dont, and i dont want to" he reassured and i calmed down a bit.

We reached his home and to my surprise we've always passed this house when Arfa was here, we always gushed about how beautiful it is but we never knew who lived here. He honked and the gates were opened revealing a breath taking scenery, i already feel out of place, i mean i knew Jamal and his parents were comfortable but never thought it was to this extent. This place is well kept.
we got out of the car with Jamal adjusting his grey kaftan and zanna bukar looking dashing as ever. I wrapped my veil properly over my ankara skirt and blouse took my Aldo bag before towing behind him to the houses entrance__grand entrance.
My head was hung low as the door was opened revealing a Maid. she smiled and welcomed us in and i have never been this nerve wracked in my whole life. i could feel the sweat beads forming

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