chapter 37

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Never in a million years, or maybe i did
think ill be the wife of Jamal Abdallah. My head hung low as i was driven to his house--ours now, i squeezed Hauwas arm for comfort as Arfa sat quietly in the front seat with Ameer driving, Her senses focused on her phone. While Jamal was building the house he took me along showing me every little progress made. now that its a complete house i cant wait to make it a home, our home.
As we alighted the car Hauwa came to my side cause shes my support at this point. They had to pry me off my mother, I've always been with her all my life, and now i dont know how to start living without her anymore. The scent of the bukhoor i remember picking out dragged me back to reality. The mixture of lilac and grey sitting room made me feel home instantly warming my insides. we took a turn and headed towards the stairs. i remember when Jamal sent me a video of when it was done, before the house was even painted. Our rooms are beside each other, and two other rooms.
I sat down on the bed and Arfa, Hauwa Maryam and Mahra who was sporting a baby bump kept complimenting on how beautiful the place is. Maryam and rest walked out to go see the rest of the house and Arfa stayed back. Well this is awkward

"Lucky you" She said, "He's all yours and trust me i am happy for you, theres just this weird feeling inside my stomach you know, the fact that we had a thing, and never really ended things. Buts in the past now and honestly i am not ready to settle now and Jawad is in full support so Alhamdulillah. We are all where we want to be" She gave me a tight hug and i felt my throat close up, as if all the crying ive done tonight wasnt enough. I stayed quiet, After what seemed like a millennium later she pulled away and i gave a her tight lip smile muttering a "thank you." Any more words will get the waterworks started.

She got out to meet the other girls whom i dont know where they are. i looked around the room theres more lilac than grey here compared to the living room. My eyes went to the walk in closet, where if i remember Jamal said it had a door that led to his room, The mere thought of me and Jamal in the same room got me flustered so i brushed of the thoughts and relaxed a bit feling all the exhaustion creep up my spine.


"Your Husband is here, we're leaving" Maryam spoke after getting off the phone with whoever that was.

"But its just 9!" i protested

"Well it aint just 9 for someone growing a human" Mahra answered and they all got up in agreement ready to leave.

Maryam adjusted my headtie and lafaya one more time and gave me a bone crushing hug. i swear her eyes were watery but i let her be. Hauwa and Mahra sandwiched me too and the lump in my throat came back. Arfa gave me a side one as i watched them saunter out. Mahra is going back to kano next tomorrow and Arfa the next back to the US.

I heard them banter with Jamals freinds about God knows what before i heard their cars starting and the house becoming quiet.
I took my phone from the nightstand and went through the bunch of messages and missed calls from freinds and family that "couldnt make it."

I heard at the door a Salam alaikum. my pulse was out the roof as i answered and looked up to see my oh so devilishly handsome husband. i could get used to calling him that, He gave me one of his mind hacking smiles and i gave him one of mine too. He came closer and i kept my phone beside me

"up up" He said, holding my elbows and pulling me up, and no there were no tingles and sparks, just the warmth of his touch and the scent of his musk. He looked straight into my soul bringing down the lafaya from my head to my shoulders. i became more solid than i was already, Gently he pulled me in for a hug, one of his arms on my lower back and the other around my neck due to height reasons of course. This hug that I've looked forward too for almost 9 years. it felt so surreal yet so true, better than how i imagined it feeling like, i heard him draw in my scent and on reflex i closed my eyes and hugged him back. Wishing to stay like this forever.

He pulled away and i pouted sad that its over already only for him to hold me captive with one arm and grace my chin with the other, his incredibly large hands covering the whole side, i was too shy to look him in the eye so i kept my head down and clearly him not having any of it craned my neck and took my lips in his, my toes curled as i squeezed his shirt, i was taken offguard and not in one bit annoyed. i wouldnt mind having this for breakfast everyday.
when we ran out of breath he broke away our first kiss and the cold air replaced his warm lips, i opened my eyes but still kept them low, i was beyond flustered and a bit lightheaded, high on love.

"We've waited long enough havent we" He spoke in a low voice. clearly I cant answer him, my brain is at factory settings. what took us this long again? "My almighty babes is quiet tonight huh, cool" he let out a chuckle and i playfully hit his chest with my eyebrows drawn together
He trailed his fingers on my cheeks and my stupid head had to lean in.
"Im sure youre exhausted babes, let me go take a shower in my room, ill be back in the next 30minutes so we can pray okay?"

i nodded in response, My voice still gone. He kissed my forward before unhooking his hand from my waist and walking out to his room leaving me with a goofy smile and wobbly legs. I managed to drag them to the bathroom too to take my bath. So this is what it feels like to be married

fallens coming to an end😩😩

Two chapters in a row😉

fatimah AB❤

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