Chapter 25

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Jamals POV.

after i dropped Basmah home i drove home with my heart, swelled with pride and love, something i never thought could be possible. As i was relishing in my moment of victory, the sound system in my car resonated my my ringtone, i glanced to see the phone beside me and the screen was displaying a picture i use think i so much loved, and the name Sumayyatee boldly appeared, the say love is blind is clearly clearly true. My mood moved halfway around the globe. To answer the phone became a parliamental debate between my heart and head.

Should i answer and say the exact truth or should i ignore till she gets tired of calling? She will never get tired, its Sumayya, who am i kidding? she will keep calling till my phone breaths its last breath.

Anyways, i answered. "salam alaikum"

Her voice reached my ear like the sound of a glass cracking, i noticed the over intensification of its tinyness that i before never did "wa alaikassalam bae your phone was ringing for like three hours it almost cut, we didnt talk at all you know, what have you been up to today that so easily got me off your mind?"

If only she knew "hey Sumayya hawi you? am currently driving, please ill call you when i reach home, uhm..  Before i forget theres something you and i have to discuss"

"okay hun, where are you coming from at this time? And what is it about, perhaps our future ill say?"

Well she got that one right "yes, our future as you say, ill drop by your house Tomorrow after Isha prayer in sha Allah, if its okay by you"

"okay okay hun, ill be waiting"

"spoiler alert though, it might end up bad so dont be so hype about it" i had to tell her

"what do you mean?" Her real voice now back.

"nothing dear, nothing, ill see you when i see you, bye" i ended the conversation and focused back on the road..

Basmah returned back to my life and cleared the fog in my eyes, she carries happiness around the same way she carries her smile..
While on the other hand, Sumayya is the envious type, like not in a bad way but she Just doesnt find happiness in others happiness, she prefers to be happy all alone, and for the rest, she doesnt seem to Just care.
To say i love her right now?, i dont know how it happened, maybe i needed someone to take my mind off Basmah so i probably blindly thought i love Sumayya. I feel extremely bad right now, i cant even pingpoint my emotions.

Without wasting time after i reached home, i sauntered to the mosque and prayed Asr, i prayed for the best, i made up my mind to pray salatul istikhara, let me submit my situation to the almighty.

Basmahs pov.

Yesternight was a sleepless one, i stayed awake all night after my Mother interrogated the truth out of me, How did she know? Well ya Adnan saw Jamal dropping me when he was leaving for the mosque, he would not have seen me if not because of Jamals car, that you dont see much of it around.

In his words " i almost tripped seeing my baby sister.." as he said "exiting that motan barayin gwamnatin".
I didnt see him, i didnt even know he saw me. After he came back from the Masjid, he kept on shooting suspicious gazes my way that i kept raising an eyebrow to all, he didnt say anything though neither did i, until Mom came back and we were all situated in the kitchen, ya Juhaifa included while i  cooked dinner and Jahannam broke loose.

Ya Adnan voice was surely heard in the neighbours, he spoke using an invisble speaker. "Hmm Mama!! You wont believe what i saw today, yarinyanki taje tana kawo mana barayin gwamnati gida?! Did you see the car that dropped her today kuwa?!  Dodge Mama! Charger pah!  to be specific. You better talk to her, before EFCC will start patrolling this area" i didnt know whether i should laugh or be afraid because ya Adnan Just broke the ice in my head, am not suppose to laugh but barayin gwamnati got me laughing my head off. Everyone laughed along but a minute later my mom put on a serious face and asked.

"what is your brother saying Basmah" at this instant, i wished i had wings to fly out of Nigeria. I poured the pasta in the flask and kept aside, i could not even look up to see my Mothers face, i felt super shy, dont ask me why. I dont know what is making me shy, is it because it had to do with Jamal or because it has to do with Jamal and my Mom, or something from within me?

This is a first time a dude brought me home soo curiousity is definately killing my Mom.
I turned around to see Ya Adnan and Juhaifa out of the kitchen, my mom probably kicked them out cause no way on their own wills will want to miss such a scene, where embarassment is all over me like clothes.

"So speak up Basmah, apart from Taheer who you call besty i dont think you know any other guy has dropped you off, right?"

I still was tongue tied, i lowered my gaze feeling every vein in my body as my heart pounded profusely. I swallowed my spit but it refused going down my throat, kaman mara gaskiya.

"it was Jamal, he was my senior in secondary school, he only took me out for a while"

"Your senior? Taking you out? With no valid reason, Are you sure you are saying the truth?"

If you think you can lie to your mother believe me you cant, there is a force that will force you in speaking the truth. i spoke up telling her he might visit, she surely got what i meant since she narrowed her eyes and smiled at me, and i felt like sinking through the sink right beside me.
"well i surely will like to see who he might be then, and why was your brother busy shouting government looters, i hope hes not a politician?"

I laughed and after that i found ease "noo Maa, hes not, hes father owns an airline, and he himself is a pilot, he recently returned from the US through with his aviation, i dont know when he is coming here but next week i guess"

"ohk thats nice, i surely would want to see who he is that wiped my choosy daughter off her feet" my mom said and immedietly walked out of the kitchen.

"MOM!! ya ilahy!!"

I moved to the fridge and gulped down a freezing cold water, as it ran down my chest i shivered enjoying its calming ability.
I didnt think the news will be out soon but, ya Adnan made things a whole lot easier, i didnt even know How i would have approached my mother with this talk.

Around 11:49pm i slipped into bed but sleep was story for the gods. I tossed and turned, flipped and refliped, until i finally got up and prayed till subh and finally slept, with Jamal on my mind, and his love in my heart, i dreamt about us. And in the morning, i woke up fully charged.
In the bathroom while i was brushing my teeth i looked in my eyes and saw a spark that was missing for seven+ years, and i knew the time has come. When i woke up today Jamal has settled in my blood machine, Just last night it was jumping around but today its like he found a parmanent place and recided, the feeling gives me chills.

Hello, salam alaikum loved ones 😊😍, How is this deep-freezer wheather treating you?  I hope you all bafff everyday? 😂😂.

Anyways i hope you smiled atleast once while reading abi? So please press that tiny yellow hollow star and fill it with love 😍
Jamal is trying to get off za market 😥😥 cheii.


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