Chapter 27

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Basmahs POV.

"hi love" i said looking into Jamals eyes. I wondered where the guts sourced from but atleast it is in use in a good way.

"how are you babes" he answered, the distance between us was very small, i enjoyed being in our space, i so much love his scent, but i had to step back, for the sake of sanity. Jamal looked around the park then went and rested his elbows on the rack, gazing at the water under him, i came and stood beside him, took his same position overlooking the water.

"you better tell me why am here before i push you in"

He giggled " push me where? the water? You cant babes" as if he knows

Jamals needs to know am not used to his calling me of 'babes', i can literally feel hormones being released into my blood stream but its not like i can stop him so i played along. "Jamal is late, any responsible girl will not be out at this time, you should thank Allah my moma trusts me enough to let me out, and if its rubbish that pulled me out of the comfort of my room, then you will be in bad shape"

"Trust me its no where near rubbish, tomorrow is saturday, right?" he asked, i didnt answer, i just duhh!-ed him. "ill come to your house tomorrow, like official coming, i want to meet your mother" he said smiling, now looking at me instead of the water.

Orcascuse me what? "Jamal dont you think we are moving too fast?" a chilled air blew and i put my hands back Inside the pockets of my pocketed abaya.

He scratched, or rather rubbed his beard covered chin, it was now i looked completely at him, he was wearing a crisp white kaftan, with his zanna bukar sitting perfectly on his head, letting out his side burns like black water falls. A silver hublot watch took home on his right arm, it glistened in the small light illuminating the place as he continued rummaging around his chin.

"No i dont think we are, i would not want anything to want to stop me from making you mine, like last time, i dont want no delays, id rather have you in the most closest of times"

I blushed, giddily, so Jamal really did love me in school, i refrained myself from letting out any giddeous expression so Jamals head will not begin to increase in size. My skin is dark so is not like ill turn beet red or something.

"uhmm ohk, nobody stopped you last time if i could remember. By the way you look a bit dressed up for a night drive, are you heading somewhere?"

"No am not, i am from somewhere though, dont ask me where" he looked ahead of him

"Where?" how can you say i should not ask and expect me to not ask.

"Nanya business babes, will tell you but not today" am getting curious by the minute.

"When then? Why not now?"

"Lets just say when the time is right"  

I looked at him from under my eyes, how your mother looks at you when you ask for money. I Let it slide though, if he doesnt want me knowing, then i wont push. "sooo what time should i tell her"

"ill tell you later, now can you keep quiet and enjoy the peace of the night, please"

"No i wont am heading home right away, its to nine" i turned to make my move

"What!" he glaced at his watch then at me " its pretty late lemme drop you then" without a second thought i agreed.

The next day

After i told mom about Jamals coming she was way too excited and hyped about meeting her 'future in law, while on the other hand my brothers just acted as normal as f, as if thier sister is not going to be married off soon.
Yesternight on the Phone after Jamal dropped me and left, he said he will be coming after isha prayer and ishaa just seems too far today. I was done with tidying up the house making sure everywhere was spotless spot-less and smoking the life out of my mothers Maiduguri pefumes. The time is 7:30pm so the prayer will be in the next few minutes, i turned the heater for my bath and came back and sat before it heats up the water, i need a thorough cleaning. to wine time and lesson my nerves i decided to call up Tahir and let him on this swift moves of Jamal that i fail to understand why so fast?

After two rings he answered "sannu amaryar Jameelu, so you forgot there was a Tahir since Jamal came back ba, ya miki kyau" what! What is this one saying?

"Taheer kai how do you know, cause i only remember telling no one, except Maryam, did she tell you? oh imma squeeze the juice out of her tiny self" i squeezed my hand as if she is Inside

"dallah keep quiet she didnt tell me, Jamal did and for your info we are coming together better dress well for my bro, dama i said i wont tell you, you will just see me, so good for you that you called"

"are you seriously serious right now? Why wont you tell me for Allahs sake!? yanzu da the food i cooked was only for one person fa, and offcourse i will dress well even though i smell like sea food and tomatoes now, my armpit stinks bad wallah, i was going to bath nema then i thought let me call you and let you know i have your brother under my charm, and hes all mine. Anyways where is the Jamal sef? i tried his phone a few hours ago it wasnt going"

"He is here listening to you smiling like a geek, oh i forgot to tell you you are on speaker" and there goes my pride down the toilet, flushed. Taheer will be the death of me, i felt blood rush to my head, if i was pale skinned id probably be looking like some tomatoes. I heard Jamal breaking into fits of laughter faintly in the background, if only i could smack the two of them through this phone. I remained quiet as Taheer joined in the laughter and i was drowning in embarassment. I heard some shuffling then silence, then Jamals voice sounded through the Phone, and i think 100volts of electricity was pumped in my system, this effect he had on me should never be known to him.

"Hey babes" his voice ever so manly, i could still decipher that he was holding back a laugh, and its a matter of seconds before he erupts. And he did, i enjoyed hearing his laughter but when its at me i do not fancy at all.

"I hate you"

"And i love you, weather you smell like a tomato, or you smell like oud, or just plain Basmah scent"

"i still hate you"

Assalam alaikum ya ahla wattpad
Ramadan is here 😁

Dont mind the shortness of the chapter please

💙Fateemmarh ab💙

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