chapter 36.

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"Wedding bells!!" was all that rang in my head since maryam shouted it in my ear. The time has come. In two weeks time ill be a Mrs, someones Mrs. And it still hasn't sank in
We started the traditional spa two weeks ago and since my guardian is my Uncle all the formalities happen in his house and i was allowed to stay home. Today they brought kayan lefe and Maryam being the extra one befreinded my cousin and is over there at the moment seeing all of it happen. Hauwa is here with me, Mahra will come a few days to the wedding sinces shes a carrying 6 months old pregnancy and Arfa too will come few days to the wedding. She hasnt said anything about the husband which i am sure shes aware cause she saw his name on the IV but who knows, maybe shes saving it for later.

Hauwa and Ya Juhaifas wedding is 3 months after mine, it was intially set on the same day but was shifted because her mother has been sick for a while and that had to get the wedding postponed, she is back on her feet now but not ready to go through the stress of a wedding. My mother's voice and the spa experts' grabbed my attention, "A dozen and a half boxes?! Masha Allah your daughter is really lucky, in this economy where will you ever see that? Masha Allah Basmah Allah ya baku zaman lafiya". Hajiya lubabatu ranted as she continued with her mixture and mom lighting the charcoal.

Hauwa continued the call i was on with Maryam asking for specific details of all that was brought. Everything will be brought back here if only she would take a chill pill but her attention wasnt even here so i kept mum. Something I've been doing these days. Taheer was here yesterday and of all the news he could bring he decided to break with the fact that he liked me, and has for a long time. To say i was Perplexed is an understatement, i mean howw..? He hasba girlfreind for Godsake, only deciding to tell me a few days to my wedding. Neither of us called each other since then and i didnt even tell anyone about it. Things are cool between me and him but i am sure its going to be awkward from now on.


A week later


"This wheather is something else" I voiced to myself when he heat slapped me immediately i stepped out of my air conditioned car

"What did you say?" Ameer asked as we made our way towards the entrance of the airport. We are here to pick up one of our freinds who flew in from the States for the wedding, its been a really long time since i saw him.

"I was talking to myself" i replied.

"okay..?" he kept mum.

We waited for not more than 10 minutes before i sighted him, engrossed in a conversation with some lady with their hands entwined and had all his attention on her that he walked passed us.

"Hamad!" i yelled his name and he whipped his head back

"Heyy mann!" he yelled back coming closer and giving me and Ameeer a side hug.

"Jamal" The lady that was with him called with her tune amused.

I looked towards her and for a second i wasnt processing. "Arfa?" I called to make sure cause she looked so different, nothing compared to the girl i once dated, a good different

"yupp, thats me" now sporting an American accent.

"Wow" i heard Ameer from beside me, him too amused

"Heyy Ameer" she let go of her luggage at waved at him with a smile and he waved back to.

"You guys know each other?" Hamad asked probably confused

"Yes we do actually, she's my fiances cousin and we went to the same high school" I deadpanned

"Its really you shes marrying huh?" Arfa asked with an undertone i cant really decipher

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