chapter 31

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"Mama i am going to Hauwas place" i told her after finally finding her in the kitchen. I checked almost everywhere.

"You dont have anything else to do except visitations?" She asked while turning off the gas and pouring her vanilla infested tea into a mug.

"Maa am trying to enjoy all the free time i can get before my next move" i told her while even I didnt even know what my next move will be. Though shes right because all i ever do now is go places.

"I see. Arfas brother called yesterday, he said Arfa had her graduation two days ago and she sends her regards" i tried remembering the last time i heard from her.  Last week Mahra called and it was barely a minute conversation but atleast we are still in touch.

"Ehen this Hauwa is she the same person your brother Juhaifa is seeing?" I didnt think Juhaifa will already tell Mom about her but it seems he really is serious about his choice, good for him.

"Yes she is the one, Ya Juhaifa told you about her already?" i began wondering what other things has he said

"Yes my dear, even i was surprised" she chuckled and took a sip "And dont stay out too late please"

"Yes ma" and my attempt to hug her went futile "Maa!!"
"You need to grow up and stop hugging your mother all the time" she moved out of my way and walked out to the dining area. I smiled to that neverrr

I checked the time on reaching out and saw it was 2:16pm. I found ya Juhaifa anxiously waiting by his BMW while he toyed with the keys.

"I am going by myself sir i want to drive" i told him as i walked past him to my mini C.

"No you wont, get in" as if he didnt hear me he walked to the drivers side of his car and got in without even giving me a chance to argue so to save myself time i walked back around and i hopped in, kept my bag on my laps then turned to stare at him as he drove onto the street.

"If you wanted to see her why not just go on your own must it be now or with me?" I ranted and pursed my lips

"We fought yesterday and i am going to apologize" he went stiff scratched his nape and blurted without moving his eyes off the road. Now that he mentioned and judging by his veiny eyes he looked sleep deprived.

"What?" I said a bit perplexed. "What kind of of fight did you fight that it cannot be talked through?" I rested my elbow on the wound up tinted window and adjusted on my seat.

"You heard what i said thats all you need to know" he mentioned squeezing the wheel so tight if it weren't hard it surely would have dents. Seeing he has no intentions of speaking and despite my pestering nature i managed to keep quiet through out the rest of the drive while my mind was struggling to calm itself. The rest of the drive was frustratingly quiet and was only made bearable by the music playing.

On arriving I barged into her room unannounced only to find her in a foetus position diagonally on her bed not even caring to look up to see who barged in.

"Ya salam! Whats wrong with you!? Hauwa what happened between you guys, have you been crying?"  Her eyes were bloodshot and her eyelids had veins popping on them, she looked red overall

She opened her eyes and stared when she realised it was me she broke into a fit of sobs "I told him" she broke down again her whole body rocking.

"You told him what?" I moved closer to her rubbing soothing circles on her back. Theres different degrees to what to tell so i dont know how warm or how cold she went.

Shr drew in a long breath and let it out "About Hamza and everything, i told him i lost my virginity and he got all mad" she paused and let out another sob and i just stared to shocked to do anything.

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