Chapter 16. Leap In Time

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7 years later.

Basmahs POV.

A place called school is no longer attached to my name

My mom, my brothers and I are jubilating, well mostly them, i jubilated enough in school, am just exhausted.

I graduated Geology with a second class upper, just perfect for finding a perfect job, thats if i dont have other plans, which i actually do, NYSC, port harcourt in sha Allah, port harcourt has always been in my bucket list which i finally will strike out, let me just hope i get posted there, if i dont i will surely get a re-deployment. 

"ya Adnaan Can you please throw me a pillow?" i requested from my brother from my position on the carpeted floor.

A new samsung s9 edge is what i recieved as a graduation gift, from my amazing mom. I also recieved a ten-in-one note from my brother Adnan, like, am done with school, dunno what i should use it for, anyway thanks braza.
I recieved a set of my favourite perfumes from my other brother Juhaifa, Adnans younger brother.
also i recieved 12 pairs of shoes, thats a dozen  from all of them, them claiming its nothing.

He threw a pillow straight to my face which i caught, i still got basketball in my blood, i stretched my legs and landed my head on the soft pillow viewing stories of my mates graduation, after i shared mine as well.

Its been exactly three years since i last heard from Arfa, she moved to the US to stay and study with her brother, i cant leave my mom alone so i stayed back to keep her company cause am not sure what two grown up men can do to keep my old woman company, she isnt that old and hasnt retired just yet, my brothers are always at there work places, so its a no, for me to leave.

After Arfa left we talked everyday then in two days then once a week, once a month and now no more cool huh?! Who could have tought that will happen, and Mahra well we meet like two times a year, since after she moved to kano, am sure our meeting is only because our mothers are still freinds if not so, it also will be out of touch.

Jamal and Ameer well they left before us, we did not hear from them after just two months of graduation, cant even remember how devastated Arfa was, anyway past is past.

Now i keep A Lot of people around me, most especially Maryam and Hauwa, and my very own best freind Taheer....,
Our freindship is that kind of freindship that everyone thinks we are in a relationship but we just freinds, like i even know his girlfreind and he loves her way tooo much, too dangerous for him even.

My mom came out from the kitchen with a mouth watering chocolate fudge cake, which Juhaifa is taking a bite from, she smacks his hand saying
"kai! Backoff Se shegen hadama!?" 

I let out a loud laugh and Adnan followed suit, its like my mom doesnt know she is getting too old for sugary stuff, i gave Adnan a knowing look which he smiled back to it, i gently got up and sat on the dining adjacent to my Mom and Juhaifa adjacent to her left side.

I gave her a very wide creepy grin, like she knew my intentions, which she does, she pulled her plate closer, Juhaifa took another spoon which earned him a death glare from Mum,

"mom you know you are too old for sugary snacks, right? So just give me the plate, me and Adnan and this glutonic old brother will do justice to it" i ended reaching for the plate after a feeling of mission acomplised!.

My glutonic elder brother Juhaifa looked daggers at me,
My mom glared at me, is like this woman is aging reversely, she replied "get me my fresh milk from the fridge"

I so unhesitantly did so after i succeeded on pulling the plate with me, Adnan got up from the sitting room and got his spoon and Juhaifa trailed behind me as i walked to the carpet and crossed my legs on it,
with my chocolate cake nd caramelized center in front of me, all is well,
i snapchatted it, before these 'men' come to join, and immediatly they did, we dug in....


This night is Taheers graduation dinner and i definately am going, if i dont, who will?

I literally begged Ya Adnan to let me drive his car, he has a Mercedes Benz E class 350 4matic, and showing up in that car will make a hell of a statement, because mi mother decided that the best car for a girl in university is a mini cooper, he didnt agree but agreed on driving us there, atleast he agreed anyway.

I called up Maryam and Hauwa to come and get ready at my place, we all are course mates Zayid included, yes Jamals class mate, yes the same level and yes, freinds.

Maryam and Hauwa began giving excuses. When they recieved the news of a benz included, who are they to deny the favours of Allah, to be honest am not a mercedes fan but a chevrolet camaro fan, for luxury, a Rolls royce....  Too much to ask for aei?
Maryam being a fashion geek would not mind rolling a trolley here, despite the fact its just tonight.
I looked at the ready made gown am suppose to wear but i just am not feeling it, i dont like deep backs and v necks, i dont like bright colours, i dont even know what i was thinking when i picked This gown...
I have victoria beckham (maryam)  as my freind so she should have some advices and scolds for me, possibly a shopping trip again after asr.
The dinner is 8:00pm prompt so i in sha Allah, should have enough time.
I should look good for my bestie atleast right?
I heard a car horn which is Hauwas, because not in the seven heavens will Maryam be decked up just yet, i grabbed my veil and hopped downstairs to welcome her in, my brothers will not even budge when the doorbell rings, theyll budge when they see who walks in..........

Am soooo very very very sorry
updating 😩, my phones battery decided to just not work and the touch screen is shattered (perks of not having a screen guard)
I typed half This chapter before my Technical problem and am only updating after A MONTH+, bad, really bad.

Well its now the future, i tought i should write a book 2, but i just have 15 chapters so why not write everything in one book?
Do you guys like it?
Jamal definately will appear somwhere so please put down your slippers 😂😂😀😁😍😜

Good to be back 💋💋💋

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