Chapter 6

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Basmahs POV

School will not kill me In sha Allah.
Mondays in particular.
Am currently sitting and looking at our maths teacher blabbering about shit i care not to know.
At a point he became aware of my piercing stare cause i was staring so intensely that he had to ask if something was wrong
I just shooked my head a No and he continued with his lesson.
Mahra hit me on the shoulder and i turn to see what does she want.

Mahra "can you tell me why you are frowning?"

Me "i also dont have an answer to that question Mahra, maybe because the wheather is too cold or because of the maths" i suggested.
Life could have been easier if schools didnt exist and you only learn from your environment i tought.
When the class became too boring that two or three students are already dozing off, my mind drifted to my last conversation with Jamal, he was telling me about how much Amir loves Arfa which Arfa is still oblivious of,
He collected her contact a week ago and some days and still Amir hasnt made a move.
If only he knew, how much Arfa longed for Jamal.
Arfa doesnt know i talk with Jamal which kind of makes me feel guilty, and that guilt is consuming me, Cause if no one else, i am very aware of how she has fallen for him.
I played cool with him and tried my best not to give him any hint that Arfa is into him.
He is curious about how i go by my daily life, which i simply tell him the most basic things about any normal Teenager, and never let our conversations go deep, because i dont want to end up needing him, to be my human diary.
I was pulled out of my mind playback messages by the bell, which signifies the end of yet another class.
My mind today was kind of blurry because of what is unfolding to me, and only me being aware of it.
None of the girls seem to notice my mood and i was grateful for that.


Almost now exhausting our little moment of peace called break, Jamal and Amir walked into the cafeteria and as soon as he spotted me he threw me a hearty smile, i shot him with a smile of my own and he looked away.
I am chewing down the last bits of my sandwich when Mahra kicked my leg purposely.
I shot my head to her frowning and squeezing my mouth
She frowned back at me, then i realized that both she and Arfa are sending me questioning looks, looking to Jamal and back to me
I simply mouthed a "what!" like i dont know what i did.
Mahra spat "speak you human!"
(i hate lying to my freinds and Jamal is making me gosh!!)
"seriously, girls its nothing, since the match whenever he sees us, he smiles, at us, not just me, why are you eyeing me, its nothing related to what you filthy minds are thinking right now!"
Arfa said "yeah right" with sarcasm and a hint of disappointment in her tone.
( and now they are doubting me.....)
Mahra raised an eyebrow trying to look directly on my soul, unfortunately for her i had stone walls, not brick walls.

I had a logical tought that i have to tell Jamal to bug Amir until he proposes to Arfa, when he does that we can see where things go from there and then i decide what is the best to be done.
Cause i cant have the only two freinds of mine not trusting me.
Mahra is leaving so she should leave when we are on good terms.


It is almost closing now And we usually pray zuhr in school,
I left my hijab in class which i had to unwillingly go get.
Walking out of the girls room i bumped into a rock which scented of masculine fragrance and cologne.
Do walls appear in the middle of the hallways or something about the earth in geography happened?
I looked up angrily ready to pounce While moving three steps back.
From seeing the shoes i knew it!
None other than Jamal
He mouthed a "heyy" with his forever parmanent smile
I just beemed a smile and aborted my plan for pouncing and just walked away not wanting to have a conversation at the mean time, and not with him, definately not him.


Back home from a boring day in school, we decided to light up the day with my mom and Arfa by baking some cupcakes for our consumption only (if you have not noticed, i alone can eat for Africa).
The baking turned up very exciting and we had fun, atleast because mom is around, Cause she is always working.

I tought while waiting for the cupcakes to bake
give Arfa Jamals contact and if she asked how you got it, tell her you will do anything for her.

I tought again
What about Amir?, what if Arfa confesses her love to Jamal?, is he going to hurt??, knowing his love is loving his bestfreind??

I tought again
Stay mute, keep going with the flow, we shall see where the river comes to an end, an ocean, a water fall, or a dam.

Please tell me am not boring the living day lights out of you....??
Am i??
Just comment let me know.... 😘

Next chapter should be Jamals POV, or what do you say??

Am wheeling my short legs out,
from your writer.

Fateemmarh ❤

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