Chapter 8

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Jamals POV.

I found a new something,
Something that has to do with my psychological, physical and emotional stability,
Something that is out of this world,
I think i found love.
Its hidden, well concealed.

There is something called love at first sight and it is what i got exposed to.
Basmah has been making my day, fuck! i cannot imagine how my days will be without her,
I think i have fallen for her.
I dont know what she feels about me because of a huge guard she keeps in front of her heart, she is always closed up and she never lets our conversations go deep,
She asked me a question, " Jamal, why is it that when am with Mahra and Arfa you dont come around except when am alone? They asked me the same question and i have been thinking of the answer and i couldnt get one so i decided to ask you".
I wanted telling her when she has no one i will be there for her, i wanted telling her she makes my heart and mind go wild, but i didnt want her to avoid me, i wanted telling her i will always be there for her but i didnt want to scare her away.
Even though i have not known her for a while i know she is hiding something, she avoids some kind of conversations that i render them 'no-need-to-avoid-if-youre-not-hiding'.
And now Amir is hesitating, he is doubting himself, he says maybe he is not Arfas type or she is too good for him.
I have to convince Ameer to ask Arfa out or if not, i will have no reason to be talking to Basmah and i will have to cut her out at the same time cut my heart out.

I gave him an order as if, to either ask her out before next week ends or forget about her, i gave him till the end of Next week trying to reason with him and see his situation desperate.
I got to meet Basmah because of him so i owe him.
Am driving to meet Ameer at his place now, we are going to have a saturday brunch at a pancake house.
I parked outside the gate and phoned him to come out before i drive off, he came out wearing a navy blue sweat pants and a white long-sleeved body-tight shirt with ray ban shades.
Can someone tell me why this jerk is wearing the same outfit as i?? Except that am wearing black sweat pants??

Me "what the f is wrong with you!!, go back and change!!"

Ameer "i think not!!, and why on Allah's earth are you wearing what am wearing?!!?, shit, Better drive before we reach our destination and they are closed for the day", he finished glaring and cursing under his breath.
I death-glared him as well before driving away....


On reaching our destination, you wil not believe that Basmah, Arfa, Mahra, and their mothers are here as well, what a small world we live in huh!!
I saw them sitting on a table eating and discussing, the moment we walked in the three girls froze when they noticed us but the parents are not even aware or not minding who we might be.
I also froze, Ameer pulled me from where my legs seemed to have got stuck, we went opposite their direction and got a table as well as placing an order.
I glanced to where they are sitting and i saw Arfas gaze fixed here, i immedietly looked away not wanting to draw any attention.
Imagine! being in a condition where the love of your life, her mother, the love of your lifes sister, and the love of your best freinds life, and the love of your lifes best freind and her mother, all under the same roof.
What do i f**king do!
Pretend they are not here? walk out? walk up to them? Believe it or not am the one freaking out not Ameer, Which is unlike him and unlike me.
Then they all got up, Basmah glared at me and i could not help but laugh, i didnt know what the glare is for so i kinda found it funny, which eased my tension, they made their payments and left, i never thought i will ever find ease when Basmah is the one leaving but i found ease in this situation.

When our orders arrived i looked at Ameer and met his eyes looking at me so i asked,

"why the look?" with a raised eyebrow. He is giving me intense gazes so i smacked him on the shoulder, then he frowned and said.
"do you have a thing for Basmah??...."

Should i tell the truth?

"No, why are you asking??" i blurted, trying my best not to hint him anything.

"You cant lie to me Jamal, you know that" he said looking all serious now like my father.

I sighed in a miny defeated way and said "yes i have a thing for her, and that thing is love, thats it nothing more"

Ameer asking sarcastically holding back a laugh "really.."

me answering "we should eat before the food gets cold"

Ameer "yeah right!"

We finished eating in silence after i avoided all the questions Ameer was throwing at me. We all comsumed in our gadgets, Ameer sent me a message, like dafaq! am sitting right in front of him.

Hey jameelu!! 😉😀

Watizit Amuru 😈

Gonna tell me about Basmah??

Theres nothing serious 😑😑

Tell me before i confront the Basmah 😒

Ohk!! Crap!! ill beat the shit out of you one day!!
When i collected Arfas number for you i collected Basmahs as well, we have been talking ever Since and i kinda fell in love with her, Which i myself didnt see it coming, and i dont know what she feels for me, that is just it 😟
Dont ever ask me bout this again d**khead 😒😒

Ooooohhhkkkkaaayyy 😀
Jamal is in love finally!! 💃💃 dont worry i will not rant about this anymore 😀😀.

Yeah, bullshit 😒 lets go, its almost time for Zuhr. Or i leave you here 😈.

I stood up and walked out with Ameer trailing behind me.

Ten chapters already, 😄😄
Dear ones i need motivation to write, right?, so if you aint gonna comment it will be really nice if you just press that little star, It wil not drain you of your energy, 😌

And here is the Jamals POV.
Stay safe beautiful souls 😘😘

😘 fateemmarh 😘

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