Chapter 13

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Basmahs POV.

i remember years ago someone told me i should take caution when it comes to love i did......

Well After Arfa found out about the Jamal and The Ameer, she decided to go talk to Ameer because in her sense she tought it is Jamal who wanted to propose to her so she told Ameer she fancies Jamal, heartbroken for sure Ameer decided to do what he thinks he should, that is hooking them up.
He came to me almost like weeping, the messages he sent if not that it is soft copies i am sure it would have been soaked with tears.

Well for me how do i feel?
Lost, lost in toughts, regret, heartbroken, all in all disoriented and hopeless, that song up there is exactly how i feel, i let my guards down for someone i tought he is mine, forgetting the fact Arfa loved him first, he agreed to date Arfa, in other words, he rejected me, i tought he will come clean that he loves me and apologize to Arfa, maybe say something like "i already love Basmah" but he didnt, instead he chose her over me, call me selfish i dont mind, the fact that Arfa crushes on him doest mean he also does like her, he talks to me not her, Ameer loves her, not Jamal. Jamal loves me, he never said it but was about to when my "beloved" sister messed it up for me, my chance of first love.

Mahra came by and i updated her what she missed and is missing. Normally or a normal person will cry to his bestfreind then to dried tears and then just pain, well i decided to skip the crying phase and just pain, Mahra was frustrated and pissed as hell that i, or we hid this from her for so long, she was shouting at me since Arfa is downstairs in the kitchen doing Allah knows what! With my mom and Mahras, she is even suppose to be here but she aint obviously, i left out the part of the developed feelings for Jamal that i have, i will not complicate things.

Believe it or not school is vacating in the next month, and this has been a hell of a term!, too much drama and heartbreaks.
Jamal has love in his eyes only when he looks at me, Arfa doest seem to see it, Ameer doest even hang around Jamal when he is conversing with Arfa because it is unbearable for him obviously, its funny how much love you can sacrifice for someone you love in another way.

All i really require now is ice cream, maybe after a bucket or two i will be able to breath again...
I can still clearly remember how it went in school "i was sitting as usual with Mahra and Arfa beside me chewing away my lunch when Jamal and Ameer walked to our table and took seats as if it was researved for them, in my head i was thinking, finally Ameer grew some b*lls!! I plastered a mischievious smile and wiggled my eyebrows at him, (dont mind the foul language) , but then i noticed the tension in the air around them, i looked at Jamal for any hints but the moment our eyes locked he looked away, weird, it is when Jamal said what he said that drained and dried all the fluid in my body system, i coulndt swallow anymore, Mahra was staring confused while Arfa is on clound 11, not 9 sef.

"hey Arfa, how are you?" Jamal

"Am.. Am good you" Arfa

"cool, how is the school and life treating you?" Jamal

Arfa "haha just fine Alhamdulillah"

"Good to know, soo ive been thinking you know for a while now, how am i gonna say this?, well for quite a while now you have been in my mind and toughts, i think i like you Arfa, i was not sure whether i am your type thats why i didnt make a move earlier untill Ameer talked to me which i am adamant you know, soooo if you dont mind can you do me the honour of being my girl?"
Jamals words....

The words that wiped, washed and bleached the colours of my life, i didnt dare look at Jamal for i feared he will hear the sound of my heart wrecking, Ameer told me of this but i dint think it will be this painfull witnessing it.

I looked at Ameer, i kept an eye contact with, i knew his heart as well is breaking like mine. Mahra was floored and some students that are at a hearing reach heard, some girls looked shocked, some were squeaking, while some were just waiting for this to be over so that they can leave and spray it to each student like a red spray paint on a white canvass.

Arfa replied Jamal with a "i will and forever will be your girl" she said with her cheeks tainted with blood

Ohkaayy this is my cue to leave, my heart will jump out any minute, before i could make a move Ameers chair screeched and he was on his way out real fast, i got up and tailed behind him real fast only to catch up with him outside, he was breathing heavily and i was at the brink of tears, nobody is allowed to see my tears so instead of consoling Ameer i headed to the girlsroom to console myself........

Who saw this coming??!!, issokay i didnt either, cheeii my chest 😢😣😭, BASMAAHHH!!, AMEEERR!! cheeii

Yes i have been lazy, sorry, not my fault, #school #ramadan #girki #yunwa 😅😅😅

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