Chapter 22

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Basmahs POV.

I Was going through the contents of the fridge to have a mid night snack, i did not have a wince of sleep since today kept playing and replaying in my head. I jumped in fright as my phone rang and ended up hitting my head, my Goodness! i placed my hand on my chest to lessen my throbbing heart and quickly silenced the phone. The last thing i would want is to wake anyone in this house when the time is reading 12:05am. I eyed the phone because there is no way am answering a phone call from an unknown number in this time of the night.
I grabbed five slices of bread from the fridge and plated it. I squeezed one and chewed on it, i sat on the counter while i waited for my tea to boil. My mind travelled a few hours back.

"Are you married?" Jamal asked, you could sense he was uneasy when he asked.

"No am not, but i will sometime soon" I answered as i recalled my conversation with my mom.

"oh, so who is the lucky guy?" he asked again, his shoulders falling.

"The lucky guy is taking to long to show up" I answered

He laughed and in the process displaying his sparkling white dentition.

"silence, please" a boy sitting on the second to the last row in front of us, obviously a teenager said. Jamal glared at him, and the boy apologised and looked back to his movie. I giggled at them and could see at the corners of my eyes that Jamal had this look in his eyes when he looks at me and i cannot place it anywhere.

"Well maybe he just did" Jamal said.

Immedietly he shut his mouth his phone began ringing, he looked at the screen, shifted uneasy, then answered. "hey sumayya.." immedietly he answered i tooned out of his conversation on the phone and watched some transylvania for a while before he was done talking to whoever 'sumayya' is... My heart is in a frenzy, a dilemma. In the deepest darkest part of my heart i could hear a tiny voice saying 'this is our chance' i ignored it but could feel myself smiling at the voice and shushing it.

"so, where were we?" he put his phone inside his pocket after setting it to flight mode.

"uhh you were saying something about the lucky guy showing up?"

"Right maybe he will, anytime from now" he replied, he looked serious but i took whatever he meant as a joke.

'ive being thinkin bout you, yeah ive being missin you, where the hell are you.....'

My phone began ringing for the second time which pulled me out of my head. I answered the call and put in on loud speaker, i held the phone as far away from my face as if someone will reach through the phone and grab my face.

"salam alaikum, Uhm.. Basmah its Jamal, am really sorry for calling late.." For the love of Allah why will he call a human at this time of the night!! And where did he get my number?! i clearly remember him not collecting...

It took me three hours before replying. "wa alaikum assalam.. Its no big deal.. But why will you be calling at this time? Is everything okay?" i had to ask.

"yeah everything is fine, i just wanted to check whether you reached home safely..."

"yeah I did Alhamdulillah... how bout you?" i asked trying not to sound annoyed. I checked my tea and it is boiling finally.

"I arrived home safe, thank you for asking" he said and kept quite for a while. I poured my tea in a mug and added four cubes of sugar. I waited for him to say something but nothing came.



"are you sleeping?"


"Then, goodnight?" i asked stiring my tea.

"No, uhh are you.. Ahh.. Free tomorrow??" he asked, he question. Like duh! Am more than free, like am stuck in free..

"Why are you asking?"

"you know, Uhm for us to catch up"

"what other catching up after today? i missed my movie, remember"

"Com'on now Basmah, are you free?"

"Yes, Technically"

"ohk Great! ill come pick you at 2:00pm, uh.. if you dont mind"

"Uhmm, lemme see.., is you asking me on a date J guy??"  i teasingly asked while trying hard to hide the huge grin on my face, as if he is standing in front of me. I leasurily sipped my tea and waited for his response.

"if you call it a date then so be it" he cleared his throat and his voice became super husky "will you go on a date with me  Basmah?" my cheeks began hurting because of the size of my grin.

I cleared my throat and wasted 2 more minutes before answering "well, you left me no choice.."  trying to sound unbudged "ill send you my address and be here on time cause i do not support time wastage"

"Yes, in sha Allah, so.. See you tomorrow then... smily" I sipped my tea, sniffed and answered "In sha Allah see you too"

And he cut the call, i stuffed my mouth with bread to prevent it from tearing all the way to my ear. Chill baybe.. just a date.. That am going.. With JAMAL!!. Chill.. And thats how i had a sleepless night.

How is the wonderful people sparing time to read 'fallen' doing?? 😃😃 they are all fine by the grace of Allah 🙏

Have you checked my new book?
It goes by the name 'in her presence' its quite interesting... 😉, kindly check it out.

If you have been wondering why i dont update on time its because of the book 'in her presence' 😅......

Fateemmarh 💝

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