Chapter 3

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Basmahs POV

School is over so we sat outside, exhausted from the long day, simultaneously waiting for my mom and Mahras' to come get us. We are giving Mahra a little of what might come her way if she dares forgets us, she wont even dare.

Mahra began "Ya all know there is no way imma gonna forget you so theres no need for all the threats thank you. You are basically the only freinds ive got so i cant even imagine how ill survive without you two disturbing my sanity, so stop being pains in my behind"

I didnt reply but chuckled but Arfa replied. "Thats true bestos, anyways we all have phones so why the complains?"

I tried holding back a laugh but you know, it got the best of me.

Mahra was frustrated "Am being serious idiots! Ugghh!"

I then apologised "sorry b, where were we? Oh youre leaving. shit"

Arfa agreed "yeah" with a hint of sadness

Arfa kept blabbering about stuffs i care not to  know so i zoned out, recalling the new movie releases. I  looked away for a second and was met with a pair of brown eyes, Jamals, and he smiled. Was he looking at me all this time or was it just a coincidental eye contact
I looked back with a neutral expression, he didnt even care look away, i seemed taken away and lost in his eyes, i examined his face to see his perfectly tanned skin and a moustache that is adorning his face, just above his lips, handsome hunk__i tought. As expected this girls that will one day die of curiosity turned to the direction i was looking and he immedietly looked away when he realised what was happening.

Arfa asked out of the blue "were you looking at Jamal?"
I answered nonchalantly "i was not, why would i? they just came out i was thinking of something else looking at the direction"

Mahra raised an eyebrow to that "you sure??"

I pulled a straight face "yes am sure, why would i lie?" as if

Arfa who kept looking at Jamal before looking back here "yeah whatever"

They came pass us and hopped into their car, or rather, Jamals' they drove away without sparing another minute. Arfa pointed the obvious that Jamal drives a dodge

5mins later my mom and mahras arrived together but in different cars, They work in the same place and are just as close to each other as we are. Her mother drives a Toyota Matrix While my mom, a rav4. we left the school together but We parted ways since we live in different areas and made a quick stop at havilah, my momma is the best that i know.  I had 4 scoops, dont blame me, its just too good. Mahra had 3 as well as my mom.

On reaching home we sashayed to our rooms with much less talking since everyone in engrossed in his desert, except mom who has not touched hers just yet, it will disappear later if justice is not done. She puts it in the fridge upstairs and sauntered to her room.

We had a little marathon to the toilet which Arfa out-ran me, unfortunately, so i picked my tab which was on the table an logged in on my IG account and scrolled, there were a couple of notifications as usual so i didnt bother checking them, i liked what i liked and commented on what was worth commenting on, and viewed some stories.
Arfa was out of the bathroom after like, forever.

"did you by chance change your Skin or something?"

"i took a bath dork"

"yeah whatever, outta ma way" i pushed her out of my way.

after a long refreshing bath and an ablution, i came out with my whole system rejuvinated. i saw Arfa, with my tab and i do not like it.
"Wheres yours!?"

"With mom, shes using it, check out who followed you and i already followed back" She turned the screen to me and i saw, well, you know who. looking good as always in a mirror selfie.

At that time i decided to have a talk with Arfa, to know what exactly does she feel for Jamal, Cause i have a gut feeling that something is coming sooner or later, its a good thing to brace yourself, right?

"Arfa, can we talk" i mentioned taking a seat on the bed after grabbing my lotion

"talk about??" her eyes still on the device.


"what about him?"

"what do you feel for this guy?"

"well i already told you its just a crush"

"Arfa, look me in the eye and tell me what you mean by just-a-crush"

She now kept the tab and palmed her face "uhm.. Ohk.. i.. Kinda love him, but not that kind of love that you will want to die for thats why i told you its a mere crush. What else?"

"Maybe, just maybe.." Her eyes held something else, i cant say what, but something, something on the surface, not deep, But am 71% sure its not love.

Later as i checked my IG i saw the Jamal Arfa was talking about, i realised she didnt follow him back but just liked a couple of his pictures so i followed back.
He aint bad looking i admit.

My father died 3 years ago, I have 2 brothers who are not currently in Nigeria. One of them is in an aviation school in the US and the other is in dubai studying medicine.
Arfas parents and my father died in a car accident, my father was the driver, he was driving his brother, Arfas father and his wife on their way to Abuja.
My mom was suppose to be part of the trip but she had to stay with us cause nobody was home. They all died at the scene, thats why we stay with Arfa, her other family members are ruthless, They still blame my father for her parents death and swore not to take her, They forced our mother to take her because they say she should bear the burden that my father caused. My mother didnt hesitate to take her and that was the best thing to happen to us since the death. That was the most tragic days and event of our lives.
We all live happily now together and our brothers come annually, they should be done with their degrees next year. Arfa has a brother who stays in the US as well, he was suppose to take her after all the happening has happened but Arfa insisted on staying with us since she will probably be lonely there
And here we are, a family of 3 females, and +2 males during year endings.

Late Nuruddeen muhammad Arfas father

Late Mrs Bilkisu Ahmad Nuruddeen Arfas mother

Late Ibrahim Muhammad Basmahs father

Mrs Amina Bashir Ibrahim.
Basmahs mother

Well Ive said much about this family and this should be enough for ya'all now, maybe more some other time.. Well the chappy is over. Me done for today!!! 🙌🙌

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