chapter 38

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Woke up on a different bed, nothing like the one next to my mother's room. My eyes opened on who i am allowed to call mine now. His perfectly trimmed beard, his lips, dry but pink, parted a bit and a little snore escaping. Still feels surreal, unrealistic, i am Mrs Jamal, like we can have babies now. After God knows how long ive lost count.
Destiny has a weird way of doing things i must say.
last night i dozed off with my head on his laps, extremely tired from the wedding. Cant remember him adjusting me on "our bed" but sure remember him waking me for Fajr. He led the prayer And recited a single surah as i was dozing from all the peace that radiated from him, he noticed and stared way too long at me before pulling me up and we went back to bed with my head on his chest and his arms around me.

After i made sure to memorise all the highs and lows on his face i got off the bed quietly and went into the bath, The sun high up since its already 10 in the morning. after i came out the shower he was still asleep so i entered the walk in closet and wore something nice. Settled on a beautifully made Ankara skirt and blouse, when i was done i quietly left room carrying my phone along so as to not wake him. I headed to the living room and turned on the incense burner and the TV shuffling through the channel and later deciding on food network. i heard a knock at the door and i went ahead to open it. Food was brought cooked from the loving hands of my mother inlaw.
I placed everything on the dining table and went back to the sitting room to wait on Jamal to wake up since i am not that hungry.
As i kept the last plate i felt some strong hands hug me from behind and a gentle kiss placed on the side of my forehead. I could totally get used to this.

"Good morning ya Zawjah" Jamal spoke into my neck and i closed my eyes and melted into his embrace.

"Good morning to you too" I meekly answered

"Why didnt you wake me?" He said turning me around and taking my eyes into his and i looked away shyly

"You must've been very exhausted from the stress of this past week, you need all the rest dear" I answered barely audible to my own self.

"I guess so, i havent slept this much, and this good in a while" he said with a smile, his eyes closed and his hands still on my waist. He smelled like minty, like toothpaste.

"Lets eat shall we, Your mother sent this not long ago" I said pulling the chair out.

"You mean our mother" He answered taking a seat, i rolled my eyes my face holding some kind of parmanent smile.

We ate from the same plate, having small conversations to which Jamal mostly did the talking and i the responding. After we were done I got up to wash the plate and the two mugs and of course Jamal followed me to the kitchen clingy much.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now" He said standing by the door while i was at the sink

"you're allowed" i responded with an eye roll, then what i said registered, my eyes widened in shock and i turned to see him halfway here already His eyes not leaving me, and cornered me where i stood, my heart pounded so lound i could hear it in my ears, he turned off the tap that i forgot was running and asked

"what did you say?" His voice very low

"no_nothing" i blurted out with a whip of air, he hasn't even done anything yet and he's already done all kinds of things to me. He cupped my face with his palms and i closed my eyes in anticipation, it felt like the world stopped moving wheni felt his lips on mine, my hands swung up and wrapped around his neck and he pulled me impossibly closer.

Things were starting to get heated up but then a knock on the door brought us out of our bubble, he let my lips go and my eyes opened on his, his eyes gave me goosebumps and i looked away quick but his gaze still lingered on me before finally leaving to check who was at the door.
Lunch was brought from my Mom and i almost shed a tear when i saw Arfa with the basket, man we really have grown.

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